Ch. 25

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Reader's POV

So, Sonic and Tails blamed me for crazy human fangirls ripping them apart. It's not my fault. I warned them. Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

But, the last thing I heard from them was Tails whispering 'run' or something. Then I heard screams from them and the fangirls. Also, the piece of shit communicator disconnected. I tried calling back but he didn't answer. Maybe the girls mauled them and broke the communicator in the process. Well, they're on their own to get Ryder back.

Meanwhile, I've been relaxing on the beach. It's the first time I've been alone peacefully since I got here. Except when I'm asleep but I have super irregular sleep habits compared to the others. But, I've been here for almost a solid month. I only get a few hours of sleep at a time. Then, I end up passing out sometime in the middle of the day.

***Timeskip, 2 hours***

That's what I'm talking about when I say I pass out. Technically, I get at least four hours of sleep a day.

Anyway, I woke up and saw several footsteps in the sand. The weird thing was that the steps surrounded where I was laying. But, it was pretty windy so I couldn't figure out who's shoes it was. The size was to small for Knuckles so it was one of the girls.

I stood up and dusted myself off and started walking into the village. I was sort of hungry so I walked over to Meh Burger. As I walked, I saw citizens giving me hatred looks or scared looks. Are they still scared of the fact that I'm a human-(A/s) hybrid? Did another object fall from (S)?

But, I saw something I didn't want to see. I saw Amy and Sticks unconscious on the ground. I ran over to them. I checked both their pulses; they're both alive. I started shaking Amy until she woke up.

"Wake up, Amy!" I said, shaking her. She stirred in her sleep before her eyes immediately opened.

"(Y/n)?" She asked.

"Amy, are you ok?" I asked. She sat up and grabbed her hammer.

"Never talk to me again." She said and walked off. What's wrong with her? I crawled over to Sticks and shook her.

"Sticks?" I asked while shaking her. She immediately woke up and glared at me.

"I knew you were alien!" She yelled and ran away. What the hell is happening? By this time, everyone was staring at me. And those looks weren't 'that (A/s) is crazy.' The looks were more like 'that (A/s) is a mean bitch.' Whatever happened, I'll have to fix it. So much for a peaceful moment.

Third POV

Why are Amy and Sticks mad at (Y/n)? Here's what happened:


Project M's version of (Y/n) walked into the village with two targets in his head. All the citizens glanced at him and waved, thinking (Y/n) just remodeled herself. But in reality, he plans to eliminate two of the five targets that could prevent him from uniting with Iblis.

Amy and Sticks were eating at Meh Burger when Amy spotted (Y/n). But she spotted her back so she didn't notice the fact that (Y/n) no longer had a mouth.

"(Y/n)!" Amy shouted. At first, Project M didn't mind her. He didn't know that he was now technically (Y/n). He realized it when Amy walked to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and faced one of his targets.

"(Y/n), are you ok? You don't look too good." Amy said. She examined him and noticed too many things wrong. The eyes weren't the same. Instead of (E/c) eyes, it was green slits. The fur was darker. The clothes were different. And no mouth!

By this time, Sticks noticed Amy was scared and walked over.

"Is the alien ok?" Sticks asked. He gave the girls a devilish smile. Well, no one but he could tell because he had no mouth. But, the muzzle moved as if it was an evil smile. Sticks reached behind her and gripped her boomerang. She was ready to fire whenever.

After Project M stopped his devilish and creepy smile, he held his right hand up with his palm facing the girls. Before the girls could think or react, he shot an energy spear towards them. Sticks pulled Amy out the way while the spear hit a part of Meh Burger's building. Amy summoned her hammer and was ready to fight.

When both the girls were ready to battle, M disappeared. For a brief second, the girls let their guard down to try and spot him.

"What's wrong with (Y/n)?" Any asked.

"Told ya she's an alien." Sticks answered.

They kept looking around for the fake (Y/n). But how they did it wasn't really a well thought out plan. Both their backs were turned on a place where they wouldn't know M could appear. And they didn't know. He reappeared behind them and spawned energy beams in both his hands.

He shot it at them (Like in the monstrosity Sonic 06) and they stopped in their tracks. They couldn't react and they couldn't think. Or breathe. The beams pierced through their bodies through their hearts. When he retracted the beams, they both fell limb to the ground. Amy loosened her grip on her hammer and the same with Sticks and her boomerang.

He stared at their lifeless bodies and tilted his head slightly to the side. It was then when he started laughing manically. It grew more manically by the second. Then, he disappeared to cause chaos somewhere else.

So, I was talking to my friend HJKaufman and she said for 1k followers, I should do something special. I was thinking of a cover contest and the prizes will be decided later. If anyone's interested, lemme know. Bye.

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