Ch. 10

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Reader's POV

So, it's been a few hours. I stopped rambling about America's problems. I started helping Tails and told him what I used to make the portal. The plan is to make a portal remote that makes warp-holes at your command. That way, I can send Ryder back with instructions to shut the original portal off before anything from Earth goes through it.

While talking about boring science stuff, we heard screams from the village. At first, they insisted Ryder and I stay, but thinking it could be a problem a human could fix, I convinced them to let us tag along. We left Tails's workshop, with the remote half-finished.

While we were walking to the village, Sonic, Tails and Amy all got a notification on their communicators.

"What's up, Sticks?" Sonic asked.

"ALIENS!" She screeched.

"Sticks, for the last time~" Sonic started.

"No! I'm serious! Some type of alien technology dropped an alien object into the village!" She yelled, but not as loud.

"Describe it." Sonic said.

"It's big! And squishy! And it's orange and white and blue!" She exclaimed. Why does that sound like a...Shit. Ryder and I looked at each other with worried looks. I then immediately ran to Sonic and grabbed his arm and started talking into his communicator.

"Don't eat it!" I yelled. Everyone but Ryder gave me weird looks.

"Um...who's that?" Sticks asked.

"We'll explain when we're there." Sonic said and hung his communicator up then looked at me.

"What is it and why would they eat it?" Sonic asked.

"Another problem that's wrong with America. I'll do you guys a favor and not go into details." I told them.

"I'll be happy to tell the problem." Ryder said. I glared at him, giving him a look that said 'Don't start.' He shrugged and kept his mouth shut. Soon enough, we were at the village and we saw a huge crowd of people. When we got close enough, people let us through to the center. After pushing through people, we got to the center...where we saw Sticks glaring at the object. The object is (you guessed it) a TidePod. Sticks looked up and glared at me and Ryder. Mostly Ryder.

"Alien!" She yelled and took out her boomerang. I widened my eyes in fear and took a few steps back. Then, I clicked the pieces together. Why does Sticks think Ryder's an alien? She sees Egghead all the time and never accuses him of being an alien.

"Sticks! Calm down. That's a friend." Amy said, attempting to calm Sticks down. Notice how I said 'attempted?' Well, Sticks didn't put her boomerang away. Instead, she threw it and it hit Ryder square on his forehead. He landed in a thud, because no one bothered to catch him. I mean, Knuckles would've been able to but I had no idea where he was.

"Sticks! Calm down!" Tails exclaimed.

"I just killed an alien! You should be thanking me!" Sticks yelled.

"You didn't kill him/ He's alive, just knocked out." I said, kneeling and making sure he was still alive.

"And, who are you?" Sticks said, glaring at me.

"I'm~" I started, but Sonic interrupted me.

"The person who can help us with the multi-colored squishy." Sonic said.

"So you know of this alien technology?" Sticks asked me.

"It's not alien technology. It's human technology." I corrected her.

"How would you know?" She asked me.

"Because I'm~" I started.

"She's from the island where they produced these squishes." Amy said, interrupting me.

"And what island is that?" Sticks asked.

"(S)." I answered. I could feel Sticks didn't trust me. But then again, she was extremely paranoid.

"Fine, I'll believe you for now. I got my eye on you. Bye, guys. I'll be back at my burrow." Sticks said before walking off. I then looked down to see the TidePod before me.

"What is it?" Tails asked.

"An American problem." I answered. I wondered how it even got through the portal. The only things in the lab I worked in were parts to the portal. Never have I brought a TidePod into the lab. Why the hell would I bring a TidePod in the lab? Unless it grew legs and jumped through itself, someone threw it in. Probably to test it. But who else has access there?

"Should we touch it?" Amy asked.

"It's fine to touch. Just dispose of it when you can." Ryder suggested.

"Hey, Ryder," I started, "how did this end up here?"

"By that, you mean..." He asked.

"Was the door to my lab open when you went in the portal?" I asked. He avoided eye contact and I started to get pissed. "You realize that anyone in the building has access to my lab? That they can get themselves sucked into this semi-fictional world? That they can throw random objects for 'tests?'" I scolded him. He kept avoiding eye contact.

"So, are you saying that anyone from America can come here?" Sonic asked.

"Yes, that is if they're curious enough." I answered.

"Wait. Why here? We don't want Bygone Island destroyed." Amy said.

"From the destruction of falling objects?" I asked.

"No, from what you told us. We don't want a war. It's enough we fight Eggman so often." Amy answered. She had a point.

"So, we have to finish that remote ASAP. If someone's in the lab and they threw a TidePod in, who knows who what they will throw in." I said. Some citizens agreed to safely dispose the TidePod so we left. I hope their curiosity didn't make them eat it. I will not be responsible for a murder that occurred that was made by my species. Of course, we could blame it on Egghead.

Ok, so I promised myself that I will have a chapter out before Pie Day (3/14). And I achieved that goal. I don't have writer's block anymore! Yay me. I think after I finish the main story, it'll just be One-shots-ish. I don't know yet. Vote, Comment, Share and all that shit. Bye!

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