Ch. 12

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Reader's POV

"I'm not gonna let you get arrested." Ryder told me. I rolled my eyes. Ok, maybe I can't but if I did, it'll be worth it so America isn't in the middle of a war.

"Fine, I won't rig the election. Fire it up." I told Ryder. He went to the dimension in current time and opened a portal. There was an image of my lab with the portal to here still open. I though if I never saw my lab again, it'll be too soon. I sighed as Ryder jumped through. He turned back to me and held out his hand so I could take it. I took his hand and I was pulled through back into (S). I landed right in front of Ryder and he still seemed big. I stood up and he was still his normal height...I was still a (A/s).

"I didn't wanna embarrass you, but you look so cute as a little (A/s)." Ryder cooed. I rolled my eyes as I walked to the desk full of paper of equations. So, being like twice the height of my human self, I couldn't see the top of my table. I then started struggling to climb in the chair, to which I failed miserably. When I had a grip on it, it tipped over in my direction and it fell on me. That chair was so fucking heavy. Ryder helped me up and onto the chair.

"Why are fails so funny?" He asked.

"Because the person who failed is actually hurt." I said, looking at my table. I glanced at the computer. Someone was definitely in my lab. They tampered with my computer. How do I know this? Well, they changed the location of the 'drop-zone.' AKA: where all the objects that were thrown into the portal landed. I landed in the water, but Ryder and the TidePod were dropped into the village. And, all my papers are everywhere. I left them in a neat pile. Lastly, someone threw the TidePod in. The question is 'Who was here and who went through my stuff?'

"Who's normally in the lab today?" I asked Ryder while organizing my papers.

"No one. Today's Sunday." He told me.

"Then who threw the TidePod in? My door was open and anyone, even you, has access to this lab." I asked.

"I don't know. I only assist to you so I don't really pay attention to them." He said. I rolled my eyes and stared at my computer. It showed a grid of the map of Bygone Island bird's eye view. It flashed a red dot, the 'drop-zone.'

"Are you gonna shut it off?" Ryder asked, walking toward my desk.

"Close and lock my door first." I told him. He did what was told (except forgetting to lock it) and walked back to me. I programmed the portal so it would shut off with a click of the space-bar.

"Ryder, when you press the space-bar, it'll completely shut down the portal. After I go through it, press it immediately." I said and hopped off the chair.

"Are you sure you want to go back? I'll miss assisting you." He said.

"You know how much I hate the United States. I mean, I'll always love (S), but you know how much I wanted to leave. I didn't even want to come back here." I said, leaning against the table.

"Then I'll come with you." He said. I chuckled at his comment. We went to school together before I stopped going completely to work on the portal. He was a nerdy student but still likable. He had a clingy problem that made people not like him but I admired that because it proved he was loyal.

"It wouldn't be fair. You have a life here. You have family and friends who'll miss you." I explained. He had more than I did. My absence for not even a full day hasn't affected anyone. Don't count Ryder.

"You're my only friend. Plus, my parents are going through a divorce. Neither of them want custody of me and I'll end up living in a foster home." He said. I looked at him confused. After all the conversations we had over the few months, he never mentioned his parents.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Don't take it personal. I didn't tell anyone. Just forget it." He told me. For his sake, I didn't talk about it.

"How 'bout this? I can let you create your own 'avatar' for Bygone Island. Just know, we're never coming back." I said. He nodded. I don't think he hates America or (S), just his life here. I brought the avatar program up and he created a black raccoon with gray and white eye edges and navy eyes. His 'muzzle,' belly and inner ears would be white. He would have a gray t-shirt and navy shoes to finish it off. After he finished, I set it so he would change to his raccoon self. Then, I set a timer so after thirty seconds the portal would close by itself. That way, no more people or random American objects would fall into the village.

"And starting now..." I started and pressed the space-bar. The screen showed 30...29...28... "Hurry! Jump through now!" I yelled to him. He jumped through the portal and I followed after him. Now, I hope it'll never power on again.

Hey, so I'm not in the best mood. WattPad has nothing to do with it, it's mostly band stuff. I mean, I still love band but I'm a little upset that we were promised trips to Chicago, Universal Orlando and Washington D.C. and haven't went on one major trip this year. By major trip, I mean we never went on a plane or a commercial bus to anywhere cool. Even if it was just to perform, we went nowhere special. I'm upset because my band program lost four kids that were going to march next year because of lack of trips. Sorry, I was mainly thinking about that the entire time I was writing this chapter and instead of the normal hour, it took probably two hours. Vote, follow, comment and all that shit. Bye!

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