Ch. 46

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After that little comment Sonic made, he left the lair.

As he walked on the rocks that held the lair up, he looked up at the sky above Bygone Island. The portal was swirling and a dark mist surrounded it.

He looked at the island and saw four beings just standing there. And Amy was right, one of them did look really orange.

He ran on water to the island and ran into the forest. He stayed hidden in the bushes as he examined the bushes. He recognized them all to the three kidnappers and the sole kidnapper: the Orange.

What Sonic didn't know was that Eggman was preparing his Eggmobile to go over to Bygone Island. So, he went to get the Eggmobile but saw something...disturbing. The disabled Orbot and Cubot unconscious on the floor.

"Dang it, not again!" Eggman yelled and started a quick session of working on them.


The yelling between the (A/s) and the raccoon kept going. Well, it was an endless argument. It kept going back and forth. Even though (Y/n) was right, Ryder didn't bother to admit he was wrong.

But, Tails's regular communicator rang and it was Amy.

"Guys!" Tails exclaimed. "Be quiet! It's Amy!"

(Y/n) and Ryder were arguing too loud to even hear Tails. Shadow and Silver did though.

Silver had his method but that would've included him raising both of them above the ground. Ryder is of course scared of heights but no one is sure if (Y/n) is, too.

Even though Shadow can be...difficult, he helped trying to quiet them down. His method worked and it was actually kinda funny.

Shadow walked next to them and grabbed them both by the arm. Then, he put them in almost a head lock but covered their mouths. Both (Y/n) and Ryder were shocked with their eyes wide open.

(Y/n) was bold and tried to break out of Shadow's hold by hitting his arm. But Shadow just tightened the grip and it actually started to hurt her. So she automatically became smarter and stopped. Ryder was scared already and didn't move.

"T-Thanks, Shadow." Tails nervously said and answered Amy's call. "Yes, Amy?"

Silver walked over to hear the conversation better.

"Tails, the portal dropped four more people on the beach!" Amy exclaimed.

Tails and Ryder widened his eyes. But (Y/n), Shadow and Silver glared at Ryder.

"Humans?" Tails asked.

"Humans." Amy answered. "And one is extremely orange."

(Y/n) growled but it was muffled by Shadow's glove. Silver growled as well but it was more audible.

"Meet Sticks, Knux and I at the beach." Amy said.

"What about Sonic?" Tails asked.

"I just called him." Amy answered. "Knowing him, he's probably already there. My group is almost at the beach. Meet you there." With that, she hung up.

Tails looked at the group nervously. "So..."

(Y/n) said something but it was once muffled again by Shadow's glove. It was then Shadow moved his gloves from both her and Ryder's mouths.

"What?" Shadow asked.

"I said, 'I hate you guys.'" She said.

"Maybe it's another~" Ryder started but she glared at him. "Ok, I'll shut up."

"So who's going to the beach?" Tails asked.

"Me." (Y/n), Shadow and Silver said. Then they noticed Ryder didn't say 'me.'

"Why didn't you say 'me,' Ryder?" Silver asked.

Ryder stayed quiet.

(Y/n) sighed. She was gonna have to trick him into saying 'me.'

"Do, re~" She started.

"Mi, fa, so, la, ti, do." He finished. Then he realized he just said 'me.' "Dammit."

"Now you're going." She said.

Shadow let them go but still glared at Ryder.

"Well, let's go!" Tails exclaimed and ran out his workshop.

"Foolish fox." Shadow commented.

Silver rolled his eyes and took out his green Chaos Emerald.

"Is that a Chaos Emerald?" Shadow asked.

"Yes." Silver answered. "How do you know?"

"I've had experience with it a while ago." Shadow answered.

"Would you do the honors then?" Silver asked and handed the emerald to Shadow.

Shadow held it up and yelled, "Chaos Control!"

Next thing they know, they were on the beach. Then it hit (Y/n).

"You did Tails wrong." She said.

"He should know we don't run." Shadow said.

"But, you~" She started but then Shadow glared at her. "Nevermind."

They then looked around until Ryder saw the four humans. He knew them all too well.


He was in his (Y/n) form as he walked in the jungle on the other side of the island. But he couldn't help but feel something was happening.

He looked behind him and no one was there. He started walking in that direction and felt that feeling become stronger.

And that feeling wasn't a bad feeling. It was more of a warning feeling...

So, I'm in a better mood. I celebrated my great-grandma's 90th birthday yesterday. Bye.

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