Ch. 44

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After being left alone by Sonic, the two remaining boys Tails and Ryder walked to Tails's workshop. It's been a huge amount of days, in Bygone Island's time, since all three boys have been home.

As they saw his workshop, Tails didn't hesitate to run towards it. Ryder didn't bother to catch up with him.

Tails ran to his workshop and noticed on thing: the doors are closed. He reached out to open one door but heard noises inside. It sounded like voices.

As Ryder approached where Tails was standing, he found Tails completely frozen, dazed. Ryder wondered what was happening but then heard the voices as well.

Tails did a surprise attack and bursted open both doors. Inside, both him and Ryder saw Shadow, (Y/n) and Silver all rummaging through his workshop, destroying it in the process. It wasn't like when they destroyed the workshop to find the portal remote. It was total destruction.

Shadow was leaving a trail of broken inventions every and anywhere he searched. (Y/n) was more neat and just scattered papers everywhere. Silver was just observing and only glanced around while watching them. But when the doors burst open, they all looked back at both boys. (Y/n), for one was excited and ran to hug both boys. Shadow simply stared at them while wondering one thing: How did they get back?

"Guys, I missed you so much!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she hugged both boys.

"Missed you, too." Both boys replied.

"What happened to my workshop?" Tails asked. (Y/n) released the hug and gave him a nervous look.

"Well..." She started.

"She spoke of a book that has information on Iblis, Mephiles and or Solaris." Shadow answered. "Speaking of Iblis, I assume he is exterminated?"

Tails and Ryder gave each other worried looks before looking back at Shadow.

"Well...I can tell you where the book is." Tails said, attempting to switch the subject.

"Is Iblis destroyed?" Silver asked.

Ryder and Tails avoided Shadow's glare.

"After all those times I told you, you idiots didn't listen!" Shadow yelled and walked toward them.

"What did you tell them?" Silver asked.

"If they didn't kill Iblis, they weren't allowed back here." (Y/n) said through gritted teeth. "So please tell me Iblis is not here anymore."

Tails and Ryder stayed silent.

"Goddammit, why'd you come back?! How'd you get back?!" (Y/n) asked.

"We used the one in your lab." Ryder answered. "And there's thousands of people in that city. We don't know where Iblis could've been."

"Then wait for us to give you a name." Shadow said.

"You guys are probably the cause on why my future is in ruin." Silver growled.

"You're the hedgehog from the future?" Ryder asked.

"Yes, and I'm here so I can help prevent Solaris. But that one slip possibly caused Solaris to happen." Silver answered.

"Look man~" Ryder started but was cut off.

"We told you not to come back until we can guarantee Solaris won't happen!" (Y/n) yelled again.

"(Y/n), chill. I made sure the door was locked. I bet Iblis isn't even aware that we were there." Ryder assured her.

"You were taken in by animal control!" (Y/n) pointed out. "That could have been on the news! And everyone watches the news!"

"And held hostage by the Orange." Tails added.

"You aren't helping out our case, Tails." Ryder muttered to him.

"Now we have to deal with Solaris." Shadow said.


After seeing the blue glow from the window, the three men walked  from their truck to the front of the building. This time, they wore suits.

They stood guard in front of the building while the bald one used a headset to call his Boss: The Orange.

A few minutes later, a black stretch limo approached the front of the building. The Orange exited the limo and got a lot of glares from civilians walking by. He simply ignored them and followed the three men inside the lab building.

The lab students whispered to each other as they saw him walk in without any identification or signing in. The men guessed where the lab was as they knew it was on the fourth floor, but didn't know which room.

After 20 minutes of room searching, they finally found the right room. The blond one looked through the window and saw the lab table with a powered-on computer on it and the powered-on portal as well.

Said blond tried going in, but alas it was locked. Just like how Ryder promised. That didn't stop the men though. The brown haired one had a small pistol on him. No, he did not shoot it like a reasonable person. He hit the glass with said gun. It worked though.

After manually unlocking the door, they entered the door and examined the room.

"This (Y/n) is smarter than I thought." The Orange commented. "He must be very good in school."

"Um, sir?" The bald one asked.

"Yes?" The Orange answered.

"'(Y/n)' sounds more like a female name." He replied.

"Well there's no way a female is this intelligent." He remarked.

All the men wanted to say something but left him alone. They valued their jobs too much.

"Is this set for Bygone Island?" The Orange asked.

"Seems like it, sir." The blond one replied.

"Then, let's go." The Orange said and stood in front of the portal.

"After you, Iblis..."

So, WattPad and a certain person has pissed me off for a certain reason. My RP book was deleted from probably being reported by someone who is offended by sex (smut-filled chains). How the fuck do you think you got here?

But, now on positives. Thank you for 2k views! Now's the story's picking up! And since the climax is happening soon, I just want to make a reminder that I'm making a random one-shot book based on the after effects of the book. Bye!

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