The Real Ch. 19

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Reader's POV

So, I'm just gonna go ahead and skip the part where Amy beat Eggman (get it? Because Egg is in his name and she beat?....I hate pun-loving friend.). Well, long story short, she beat him up bad. Right now, he's unconscious on his couch.

Amy and I split up to find the rest of the team. Why did I think that was a good idea? I had no idea where I was going. I should've stayed with Amy.

While wandering the empty halls, I got super bored. I started singing random Disney songs because I love Disney so much. Somehow, I started with Little Mermaid then went to Tangled and to the most overrated one in history.

"🎵It's funny how some distance, make everything seem small. But the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all.🎵"

I mean, I'm no Beyonce but I can sing pretty well. I can sing this song perfectly and crack no notes. Despite Ryder telling me that my singing sounds like I was giving birth. And my chorus kicking me out because I sounded like a train going off the rails. But I still have hope. It's a little hope, but still.

Well, it's that part in Let It Go where Elsa undoes her hair. No one's around so why not do it. I sang it loud and proud and messed my hair like she did.

"🎵Let the storm rage on!!!!🎵" I screamed—I mean sang. I'll admit the note cracked a bit (who am I kidding?) but it still sounded good.

"🎵The cold never bothered me anyway.🎵" I sang and turned around like Elss did...and saw a member of the team found me before I could find them. I screamed and covered my face. He will never let me hear the end of it.

"Was that you singing?" Sonic asked. My face was as red as Knuckles. No one but Ryder and (B/f/n) have heard me sing.

"Depends. Was it good singing?" I asked.

"It sounded like one of Eggman's robots that wanted to be put out of their misery." He answered. I hate you, too.

"You know, I think that was Amy singing." I said and pointed to a random hallway.

"Have you heard Amy sing?" He asked.

"You know, that's probably Sticks's distress call." I said, trying to convince that it wasn't me.

"You realize I've been here since you started doing that weird thing with your hair?" He asked.

"You never saw me." Was all I said.

"Fine." He said. As we searched for Tails, Sticks and Knuckles, he started mocking my singing. I don't know if he was exaggerating how bad I sung or what but he started singing random parts with super wrong lyrics.

"🎵Let it go! Let it go! Tails is flying in the sky! Let it go! Let it go! I've made Eggman cry!🎵" He sung...horribly. Ok, maybe I have lied a bit when I said I was a good singer, but he's no better.

"Sonic...that's not the words. If you lived in my dimension, you would know the words and you wouldn't even have to watch the movie." I explained.

"How good was the movie?" He asked.

"It's extremely overrated." I answered.

"But was the movie good?" He asked.

"It's a good movie. The greatest Disney movie in history." I answered. "But I personally like the movie that came out earlier."

"What's that movie?" He asked.

"Tangled. It's a Rapunzel story twisted." I answered. Just as when we turned a corner, we bumped into Knuckles and Amy.

"Sonic! (Y/n)! Have you seen Sticks or Tails?" Amy asked.

"No. But I found out how bad (Y/n) is at singing." He answered. I smacked the back of his head.

"I'm a better singer than you. You don't even sing the words right." I snapped.

"Wait, who sang, 'Let the storm rang on?'" Any asked. Sonic pointed at me and I smacked his hand away.

"That sounded like nails on a chalkboard." Knuckles answered.

"Where were you when you heard that?" I asked.

"In the living room. Did you guys see Eggman napping?" He asked.

"He's not napping." I started. "He's~" I couldn't finish because Amy covered my mouth.

"Yes, he's napping. Right, (Y/n)?" She asked me.

In her glove, I muffled, "I hate you."

"Ok, let's stop ripping on (Y/n) because she's a bad singer." Sonic said. I kicked him hard and he backed away from me, holding his knee. "So you guys haven't seen Sticks or Tails?" He asked, his voice weak.

"No." Amy answered. At that time, we heard distant yelling growing louder. I had no idea what or who that could be until the yelling sounded like it was right above us. I looked up at the vent and Sticks's arm popped out.

"Is that...?" Sonic asked.

"Sticks!" Amy yelled.

"Hey, Ames! It's really dusty up here!" Sticks exclaimed. Not long after her remark, she fell out the ceiling and stuck the landing!

"So, all we need to do is find Tails now." I said.

"Should we really agree with what the alien is saying?" She asked. I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"Sticks, I promise you. I'm not an alien." I said.

"Ok, Alien, I don't trust you but you can hang with us." She said. I was about to say something but decided against it. I would have to just gain her trust. With that, we started wandering again, trying to find Tails.

Sorry for that fake chapter. I've been busy doing homework that should've been done a week ago but I put it off because I'm like that. But I promised you guys a chapter. TBH: I have no idea where I got the singing part from. Well, Frozen is an American thing, but it really isn't a bad movie. Comment, share, follow, vote and all that shit. Bye!

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