Chapter 6: First Impressions

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You walk in into your new workplace. The bighit building.
It's a fresh start and you should be feeling exhilarated. But you feel uncomfortably out of place.

The suits, ties. Formal skirts and blazers. All of it makes your baggy red hoodie, white sneakers and black jeans look out of place.

Mr Baek said dress comfortably. But maybe you dressed a bit too comfortably.

The shiny marble floors seemed too pristine for your slightly worn out shoes.

Some people that pass you give you a strange look. The type that says : This isn't a daycare so what is a child doing here. The type that shows their underestimation of you.

Generally looks like that gave you motivation. The need to lift your head up and walk confidently. 

However you found yourself cowering away. Your head slightly downcast.  You wonder why you thought you could find your place here.

As you walk, you look up occasionally to avoid bumping into anyone. You stop walking when your gaze connects with a familiar face.


Thank the heavens. You feel a sense of comfort bubble inside you as you hastily walk towards her.

"Aaliyah, you don't understand how happy I am to see you,"

"I'm happy to see you too," she says amused at your behaviour.

"No you don't realise the extent of my happiness. All of these people, " you gesture towards all the people walking around
"Hate me."

"They don't hate you. They don't even know you. Anyways, c'mon Mr Baek asked me to show you around and introduce you to the boys. Let's go,"

Aaliyah first shows you around the building. She shows you where the elevators are and reminds you of where her office is. She especially points out to you where Minhyuk's desk is so you can avoid it by all means. Lastly she starts walking you towards the practice room where all the members are apparently.

As you get closer to the room you realise what started of as excitement quickly changes to extreme anxiety.

All types of questions fly around in your mind.

What if they don't like me?
What if they think I'm weird?
What if they're not what I imagined them to be?
What if NamJin isn't real?

The last question especially worsened the anxiety . You halt in your steps and Aaliyah turns around to look at you questioningly. But seeing you hyperventilate seemed to answer her question.

"Yn, you'll be fine. I'm sure they'll love you. Stop panicking. They're just regular people," she attempts to calm you down.

"That's the problem. I don't do well with people. I somehow managed to make one friend in school and I haven't allowed her to escape the friendship since then."

Aaliyah shakes you by the shoulders as she very seriously tells you " get a grip Yn. Everything will be fine. You're overthinking everything."

"I'm not overthinking. I'm just analysing  all possible outcomes of meeting them. And most of the outcomes are negative. Most of them include me embarrassing myself. Which is probably what's going to happen... oh god. I'm going to fall again aren't I. I'm so clumsy. I bet they don't find clumsiness charming. I dont know wha-"

"YN. Shut up. You are going to hold your head up high and walk in there with confidence. If you don't then I'm going to drag that analysing ass of yours in there myself. That would make for a great first impression," she crosses her arms "so get your butt in there now or you'll be sorry."

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