Chapter 47: "Got7 Would Never Have Treated Me Like This!"

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Since everyone is in the same place and there's no secret surprises of who's present, on the going back trip the cars seating arrangements change.

Hobi, Namjoon and Hani use Hani's car.

Then there's Jin and Jimin in the other car.

And in the third vehicle is Yoongi, Taehyung, Aaliyah, Jungkook and you.
You didn't actually choose a particular car to travel in, you kind of just ended up in the third vehicle.

Aaliyah sits at the front with Taehyung, since he's driving. And you sit between Yoongi and Jungkook.

You were not lying earlier when you said that you would be sleepy soon. Because you're already feeling sleepy. But you weren't completely comfortable with falling asleep in a car.

Past traumas really have a way of gripping onto the present and the same applied to your life. You couldn't really avoid travelling in a road vehicle of some sort but that didn't mean car rides didn't still terrify you sometimes.

You try your best to stay awake by thinking about work you need to complete, by attempting to listen to whatever conversation Taehyung and Aaliyah were having, by focusing on the song playing softly on the radio but within a few minutes you fall asleep.

Your head tilts to the side as you drift into sleep and at some point you lean your head against Yoongi's shoulder. At first when he feels the weight on his shoulder he's surprised but when he notices you already fast asleep he lowers himself slightly to accommodate your sleeping position so you can rest comfortably.

Jungkook didn't know how to say it but when he noticed you falling asleep he wanted to offer his shoulder as a resting place to your head. But now you're already asleep.

He's self aware enough to know that he feels ever so slightly jealous that you're leaning your head against Yoongi's shoulder instead of his.

He knows that it's no one's fault. You just happened to fall asleep like that. And he also knows there's no need for him to be jealous. But that doesn't stop him from acting on his emotion and gently pulling you towards him.

Jungkook puts his arms around you and rests your head against his chest. You wake up briefly at the new movement but you don't wake up enough to be completely aware of what occurred. Jungkook looks out the window and smiles contentedly as he caresses your hair, lulling you back to sleep.

When Yoongi feels you move suddenly he looks over and realises what Jungkook just did.

He sees the content smile Jungkook wears and Yoongi silently chuckles to himself.

He doesn't even know how in love he is. Yoongi thinks.

Once the destination is reached, in order to avoid any awkward interaction Jungkook carefully moves you so your head is against your seat's headrest.

"Yn, wake up. We're here," Jungkook says, gently tapping you.

You murmur a slur of words but you don't fully wake up.

"Did Yn wake up?" Aaliyah asks and Jungkook shakes his head. "Don't worry. I know what to do," she says. "YN! IT'S 8 ALREADY, JUN NEEDS TO GO TO SCHOOL!" Aaliyah yells.

You wake up in complete startlement.
"Jun is late!. I still need to make his breakfast! I can't believe I overslept!" Your eyes are half closed as you panic.

You open your eyes fully and look around and you notice that your surroundings are different to what you expected. "Where am I? Wait what day is it?" You ask confused. As you ask the questions the answers come to your mind. "Aaliyah!" You groan, "Why would you do that?!"

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