Chapter 5: I'm extremely pissed so don't fuck with me.

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Like the professional person you are you run into the bighit building, panting. You make your way to the front desk but in your rush you trip over what could only be your own idiocy and clumsiness.

You sometimes think your accident prone self causes more destruction than Namjoon, God of destruction, himself.

As you meet the floor when you fall you put your hands foward to take the impact of the fall but somehow you still manage to land face first. You consider not getting up again and just laying there until you die. You might as well. You've already embarassed yourself enough in a building full of professional people. You hear laughing near you. It's not even discrete. It's a female laughing, most likely at your expense.

You turn your body around and lay flat on your back. You really don't want to get up. Your face hurts a little from the fall but you're pretty sure you didn't break anything. You didn't hear a crack, so everything should be fine... right?

You sit up hesitantly. You're pretty sure that your face is currently a brilliant shade of red.
"Stupid yn. So stupid. Why do always do this to yourself? You should've just stayed at home. You're a sad and clumsy excuse for a human being." You mumble to yourself whilst repeatedly hitting your forehead. You might as well hit your head. Generally people would think hitting one's head repeatedly is probably not the best idea. You didn't think that though. You thought: It won't cause much damage. The worst it could do is kill your 3 remaining brain cells.

The familiar laughing starts again. You just hope that woman is laughing at something else and that she didn't just hear your little self hate rant.

You look up to find a woman looking down at you. You think she must be in her early twenties due to her youthful features. Smiling brightly at you she offers you a hand to get up. You are most definitely not in a position to refuse help. You graciously take her hand and she helps you get up off the floor.

You realise she was the same woman that was laughing at you a few seconds ago.

She's extremely beautiful and that makes you very jealous.
How is so much beauty even possible. You're hoping she's nasty or stupid so that you can one up her in some department. Because currently you are definitely losing to her miserably in the physical appearance department. Darn you and your low self esteem.

Her button nose complements her high cheekbones. Her dark brown eyes shine with playful mischief . Her long hair is tied up in a neat and high ponytail. Class and elegance radiate off her.
Her dressing is nothing less than perfect. Her beige shirt is tucked into her black jeans and she wears a formal jacket on top making her look like the professional she probably is. Even her figure is perfect. She has a slender waist yet she still has curves. You cannot even fathom the extent of her beauty. Her skin looks flawless even with her minimal make up.
Is she even wearing makeup?

Even with some of her features holding a certain maturity, you can't help but notice her childlike characteristics. Her mischievous smile being one of them. As well as her cute baby cheeks. You just want to pinch them. But you refrain from doing so hoping to make this meeting a little less awkward.

Smiling at you she says "Hi, I'm Aaliyah," she puts her hand foward for you to shake. Dammit she seems nice, you think to yourself. Ok maybe she has less brain cells than an amoeba. Probably not but you're hopeful.

"I'm Yn. Pleasure to meet you."

"You seemed to be in a bit of a rush before you fell. Is everything ok."

Oh shit. You almost forgot about the whole reason you were there. The interview. You're already late. The panic starts to set in again.

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