Chapter 38: "I Bet You Haven't Seen Someone As Sexy As This."

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"JUNGKOOK!" Aaliyah's shout sounds through out the entire dorm.

The yell shocks even you. So much so, you nearly drop the soup, Jin lovingly prepared for you, that you just started eating.

When you hear her yell for Jungkook once more and you see the mentioned boy gulp deeply in fear, all you can think is: you're glad you're not on the receiving end of any of that.

An angry Aaliyah was certainly a person to be feared.

"Hyung, please, help me," Jungkook pleads.

"Sorry, Jungkook-ah, but my hands are tied. I love you but I'm not putting myself in the line of fire for something that, probably, is your fault," Jin lifts his hands and holds his palms outward, allowing them to face Jungkook, showing his exclusion from the matter. "Remember the last time Aaliyah got mad? Namjoon still has nightmares about that." Both Jin and Jungkook shiver at the memory.

"Worse comes to worse I'll be sure to arrange a lovely funeral for you," Jin pats Jungkook's shoulder for comfort. Jin turns his attention to you and tells you to "eat up."

Just as you put another spoonful of the soup in your mouth, a rage filled Aaliyah storms into the room seething with anger. "Jeon Jungkook, you better pray you have a good explanation for what you've done otherwise in a few moments your brothers will be wiping your blood off the floor."

Jungkook cowers behind Jin who looks petrified himself. The older man quickly moves away, refusing to be used as Jungkook's hiding place or subjected to Aaliyah's fury.

Aaliyah stands infront of Jungkook, her arms crossed and her gaze menacing. "Why is Yn sick, Jungkook?" Her tone is deadly. You want to feel bad for Jungkook but you just can't. The situation is too funny.

"H-how did you find out she's s-sick?" He asks.

"I want an answer not another question. And if you must know, Yoongi called to tell me she wasn't well and that she might need my help. So back to my questions, Kook, why did you make her do unnecessary work while she was sick and why is she sick in the first place?"

"I-I d-don't know?"

"Really? You don't know? Hmm... let's see if I can maybe help you," she muses. "I spoke to Hani earlier and she gave me a rather marvellously interesting piece of information. She said that she picked Yn up from a convenience store near Yn's home. And when Hani saw her, Yn was completely drenched. Now there's two issues with that. One being that: why was Yn waiting at a convenience store when she should've been at home? Two: why was she wet when we both very well know it wasn't raining when you were sent to fetch her? It wasn't even raining a good twenty minutes after that. So do you have any answers for these questions or do you not know this too?"

"Uhm..." Jungkook gulps deeply.

"JEON JUNGKOOK! Give me an answer NOW!"

"Okay. I wanted to get back at her for what she did yesterday morning so I made her wait in the rain on purpose and didn't let her get into the car because she was wet," the words tumble out of his mouth at an incredibly rapid rate.

You watch the exchange as if it's the best movie you've ever seen. It kind of was. A little action, a little violence and definitely some comedy. It was the perfect recipe for entertainment.

The exact thing that you thought couldn't happen, happens.

Aaliyah gets angrier.

To such a great extent that you can feel the fire emanating from within her.

"TAEHYUNG!" She yells this time.

You can hear the sound of soft almost hesitant footsteps

"Yes?" He asks softly, peeking his head into the room, hiding most of his body behind the door frame.

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