Chapter 48: "Uhh...Question. How Long Have You Been Here?"

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The light now very present in your room, courtesy of the brightly shining sun, makes it rather easy for you to awaken from your very deep sleep.

You blink your eyes open to adjust to the brightness of the room and you stretch out on your bed as you prepare to get up to start your daily routine.

But the moment you sit up in bed, you notice the throbbing sensation you feel in your head.

"Ughhh," you groan, rubbing your temples, "Why do I have a headache?"

And as if in response, your mind flashes the memory of you accidentally drinking soju the previous night. Incidentally it's also the last thing that happened last night that you remember clearly. Everything else from the night is just a terribly hazy collection of images that you have no intention to decipher.

"It's actually embarrassing that it took so little to get me drunk. " You attempt to shake your head at yourself but it just intensifies the throbbing so you stop instantly.

"It's weird that I was so drunk that I can't remember much from last night but I was sober enough to come back here and change my clothes," you say looking down at the hoodie and sweatpants you're now wearing.

You reach for your phone at the bedside table to check the time when you see a glass of water, a single pill and a note placed there.

You pick up the note first and you read it.

Morning Sunshine!
I bet you're just feeling like you're on top of the world right now.
Take the medication. It's for the headache that I'm sure you have.
When you read this I'll probably already be in the Bighit building.
Anywho, take a hot shower, feel refreshed and relaxed and then you can make an appearance at work if you so wish.
See you soon
~Aaliyah (your bestest friend in the whole world)

You would normally chuckle at the humor of your friend but your headache is far too severe so you just take Aaliyah's advice and you take the medication she so thoughtfully left for you.

You place the glass down and you stand up.

"I really need to shower," you say making your way to the bathroom.


"Why do you drink alcohol when you know you'll regret the repercussions everytime?" Aaliyah asks referring to the 6 boys lounging in her office , cradling their heads or stomachs.

"Because we don't do it often so by the next time we do it we think we'll be able to handle it better. " Jimin groans.

"Take this." Aaliyah places a card of headache medication on the table.

"Thanks" they say collectively.

Jungkook walks into the office "Here, I brought the bottles of water you told me to bring, Aaliyah."

"Give it to the bunch of super intelligent people over there. "

"I sense the sarcasm but I am super intelligent by the way. " Namjoon says.

"Yes. I'm sure you were feeling like an absolute genius when your head was in a toilet and you were throwing up at 3am." Aaliyah rolls her eyes.

"Touché," the insulted leader says to himself quietly.

"Yn's not here yet?" Jungkook asks curiously, already knowing the answer when he peers around the room.

"No. Not yet. But it's almost 11. You can check on her if you want. I would but I have to try to get them to stop complaining about their headaches so I can actually get them to try on some of the new clothes you guys have to wear in the mv."

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