Chapter 24: Huh. Who Would've Thought? The Truth Does Set You Free

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"So all of this happened and you didn't deem it necessary to tell me any of it?" Aaliyah asks with an edge of frustration in her voice.

"Why are you upset? I'm telling you now. Better late than never. Am I right?" You say a little more jokingly and push out your fist for a fist bump. Which Aaliyah just stares at.
"Nevermind," you mumble to yourself, retracting your hand.

You felt a weight lift off of you as you told Aaliyah the recent stress inducing happenings of your life. You told her everything. From Jun's surgery to accidentally telling Min Hyuk the truth.

Huh. Who would've thought? The truth really does set you free.

You even told her the truth about your uncle. Which wasn't easy but was certainly rewarding in a way as it lessened some of your burdens.
She wanted to hand him in straight away but you convinced her not to. You only had a few more months to live with him. You could handle it.

You told her everything except for one minor thing. Your two almost three kisses with Jungkook. But you didn't want to hide anything else from her. You would tell her... eventually.

"On a lighter note, guess who's in my psychology class and is now my partner for the project."

"Who?" She asks with no interest.

"Cashier guy," you answer with a smile.

Her eyes widen.
"Wait. Dimple cashier guy?"


"OMG. You should invite him over for dinner."

"To my house?"

"No to mine."

You laugh.
"You really wanna see him, don't you?"


"We can go out for lunch and I'll invite him," you suggest.

"Promise," she held out her pinkie.

"Promise," you intertwine your pinkie with hers.
"Funny thing, Min hyuk and Min ho aka cashier guy are brothers."

"Who would've thought. I mean dimple guy sounds cute but Min Hyuk is the exact opposite."

"True. But he's not so bad. I think he's changing because of this new girl he has a crush on."

"Who knows. I hope for your sake he is good because you told him everything."

"I hope so too."

"Okay. Stop frowning. When are you going to set me up with Min ho?" She asked.

"But why should I set you up with him? I'll be all alone."

"Please, you have Jungkook. He's only acting a little faulty because of what Min Hyuk said but he'll be wrapped around your finger in no time."

The mention of Jungkook reminded you of the kiss from earlier. You instantly start to blush.

"I don't have Jungkook. But I kind of have to tell you something..."

"What?" She asks skeptically.

"Jungkook may have kissed me... thrice."

"WHAT? WHEN? HOW?" she yelled.

"God. One question at a time."

"Explain. Now!"

So you explain all the events that led to both kisses. You explain how he saved you from your uncle. And then you explain the spontaneous kiss from minutes ago.

Her mouth is agape throughout the whole explanation.

"That. Is. So. CUTE!" she exclaimed almost bursting your eardrum.

"No it's not. I'm so confused. He acts like he hates me but then he does something like this. I know I like him but I have no idea what he-"

"What did you just say?"

"I said, I know that I like him but..." your words stop at the realisation of what you just revealed. All secrets were out today.

Well shit.

A gigantic smile was plastered on Aaliyah's face.

"I knew it. I knew it. I knew it," she sang.

"The fact that you know doesn't help my situation."

"Don't be such a kill joy."

"I can only be a kill joy if there is any joy. Right now all I feel is agitation, irritation and confusion."

"Everything will work out Yn. Don't worry."

"How? He treats me like shit and then he kisses me and makes me feel like I'm on cloud 9 ready to soar higher."

"I'm sorry. I understand," she said.

"But it's different to you and Tae. This shitface doesn't trust me, doesn't treat me nicely and to top it all of he thinks I'm some whore. ."

You sigh.

"And then sometimes, he gives me this warm smile and looks at me with som much care that I feel like melting in his arms. Atleast you and Taehyung have this mutual friendzone thing going on."

"I know. I really am sorry." She places a hand on your shoulder.
"Just keep your head up and don't let him kiss you again until he sorts his shit out. "

"It's not that I let him kiss me. It's just that my mind goes blank and common sense leaves me when he looks at me."

"Then you need to train your mind to not be so affected by him. I know you can't push your feelings away but you need to forget them momentarily so that you can push him away. Long enough to stop him from kissing you. Surely by then logic would've returned to the both of you."

"And how do I do that?" You ask.

"I'm not sure but when I figure it out I'll tell you. I'm guessing inner strength."

"Thanks a lot," you deadpan.

"Actually, when he comes close to you and gives you the 'I'm going to kiss you' look then just remember every mean thing he's said or done. That should make you repulsed by him for long enough to push him away."

"That's... that's not a bad idea."

"What can I say? I'm a genius." She flips her hair.

You laugh at her antics. You're grateful that she listened to you. You're grateful that she understood you. And you're grateful that she's your friend.


"Hm," she answers.

"Thank you."

"For what?" She looks at you confused.

"For being my friend."

"Did you just friendzone me," she replies faking offence.

You laugh again.

"We're more than friends, Yn. We're sisters."
She hugs you and you hug her back. And after a long time you feel at ease.

"Uh... don't let Yoongi oppa find out about me telling you and Min Hyuk everything. Or he'll probably have my head on a stake."

"Don't worry you can trust me. Don't forget, we have to keep an eye on Min Hyuk."

"I don't think I can forget."

I hope you enjoyed the little friendship chapter. It was a bit of a filler but I think it was important in it's own way.

Thank you for reading.

OMG GUYS, I keep on forgetting but thankfully I remembered today.
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR 1K READS. It means so much to me. Thank you for taking time to just read this highly mediocre book.

I love you people.

Bye my lovelies. See you in the next chapter.

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