Chapter 44: We're Still Talking About Bunk Beds...Right?

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When Monday came the boys were pretty happy to see you back. They already knew you were returning after finding out from Taehyung and Jungkook.

Getting back into the groove of work was apparently much easier than anticipated. And on return, you realised that - shockingly - you missed your job, in the week you were gone.
You missed seeing the members every day and speaking to them. Even if they were annoying sometimes.
And you missed the lunch breaks with Minhyuk making terrible jokes and Aaliyah and you (and sometimes Hani, when she visited) shaking your heads at him.

It's true that any job has it's frustrations but you were so used to your routines that the week not following it, felt extremely strange.

You weren't going to admit aloud that something felt amiss in your week away, the last thing you wanted to do was build up anyone's ego.

(God forbid Jungkook finding out that life without him was...kinda...sorta... boring. You'd never hear the end of it - from anyone )

You're walking with Minho out your chemistry class when you receive a call from Jin.


"Hey, Yn. Are your classes over?"

You furrow your eyebrows, wondering why he was asking this but you answer anyway.

"Yes, Oppa. Why?"

"I know that Aaliyah told Taehyung to fetch you today after class but... earlier today we were watching something and there was a boxing scene...and Taehyung wanted to try it. And well ...a member may or may not have played along with him...and then unfortunately... might've... accidentally hit Taehyung in the eye."

"Oh my gosh! Is he okay?"

"Yeah yeah, he's fine. I mean he can't open his left eye because of some swelling. And his vision is blurry. Oh and he was a little dizzy not to mention his current migraine..." he lists off calmly. " but other than that he's perfectly fine," he says nonchalantly.

After hearing about Taehyung's injury and all it's side effects you find it quite hard to believe that he's "perfectly fine".

"Oppa is the member that "played along""


You shake your head whilst smiling, seeing through the obvious lie.

Boys do such stupid things sometimes. Boxing of all things.

"I called because Taehyung can't fetch you, for obvious reasons. Also he took a painkiller and is asleep on the couch. But don't worry, one of us - exclusive of Namjoon(again for obvious reasons) - will fetch you."

"No no. It's fine. I'll manage on my own."

"Aaliyah orders you to stay where you are until one of us arrives. Plus it's really no big deal."

"Okay," you give in knowing you can't defy your friend.

"Great. One of us will be there in like... 15 minutes. Sorry about the wait. Taehyung's injury happened like 5 minutes ago."

"No it's fine. I understand. Bye, oppa." The call ends and you put your phone in your bag, forgetting to take it off silent.

You wonder which member would fetch you. If it's Jin then 15 minutes was the truth.

If it's Jungkook... then depending on his mood that would dictate how long it would take for him to come... and that is if he decides to come in the first place.

You look at the sky briefly.

Atleast it's sunny today.

"What happened?" Minho asks you.

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