Chapter 32: Birthdays Are Just Great, Aren't They?

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"Eomma. Eomma. Wake up. Jebal ireona," Jun says patting your sleep dazed self.

"5 minutes, Champ. Please. Eomma is tired. It's still early, go back to bed."

"But eomma it's already 11," Jun informs you.

"Yeah yeah I know but... wait, what?" You exclaim jumping out of bed, completely driving sleepiness out of you with shock.

"I'm late," you continue getting up in a rush.

"Eomma, calm down,"

"How can I calm down? This is bad. I'm going to be beheaded," you rant on but when you glance out your window, you have to do a double take.

"Jun, if it's 11am, why is it still dark outside?" You ask calmly and then turn to look at your brother.

He gives you the sweetest and most innocent smile and that was enough for you to figure out that he was hiding something.

"Maybe because it's only one minute past midnight..." he shrugs.

It takes you few seconds to internalise this information.

"Two things. Firstly, why are you up so early. Secondly, why have I been forced to be up so early?"

"Aish Jinjja eomma. You forgot again. I knew it." Your brother rolls his eyes at you.

"What did I forget?"

"Eomma, it's your birthday."

The information comes as a surprise to you. Sure you sometimes forgot about your birthday but you generally vaguely remembered that it was coming up. But this time you didn't remember at all.

Not that it mattered much. You never really had much care for your birthday. You didn't feel like your life was something worth celebrating and to be completely honest nothing much changed for you. You still weren't excited.

"Really? Are you sure?" You ask sceptically.

"Yes," he says with certainty.
"Look," he points to the calender.

You put your glasses on and take a closer look.
"Well I'll be damned. It is indeed my birthday. "

"Happy birthday Eomma," Jun says moving his hand, which you didn't notice he had hidden behind his back.

He holds out a cupcake infront of you with a single candle in it. You hold the cupcake so he can light the candle and then he takes it back from you.

"Make a wish, Eomma," he says with his endearing smile.

You close your eyes tightly and wish for the thing you wish for every year. Maybe this time round you'd be luckier and it would be granted.

Please help me find a way to get away from Uncle Lee so I can keep Jun safe. Please.

You blow out the candle and hope for the best.

Your brother was the sweetest no doubt. Did you maybe wish that he woke you up a little later. Maybe. But the thought behind the act was enough to warm your heart.

"Here," you break a piece of the cupcake and feed it to him and he does the same with you.

Suddenly a concerning thought strikes you.

"Champ, you didn't tell anyone about my birthday, right?"

"No eomma. I wanted to tell Aaliyah noona but I know you don't like celebrating so I didn't tell her."

Thank god

"Thanks, Champ. And please don't tell her when we go see her later. Actually, don't mention it to anyone."

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