Chapter 22: No places to go. No people to meet.

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"Mr Jeon, do you need something?" You ask.

"A better assistant," he answers.

And here she is.

"Sorry," is all you say.

"You should be. Anyways, clean the dorm before we go back. The floors should sparkle," he instructs.
"Oh! And try not to steal anything."

The other members hear him but they say nothing. You guessed they felt the same way. Yoongi wasn't there. He's in a meeting with PDnim.

You sigh. You didn't have the energy to say anything so you just nod.

"Now leave," he waves you off.

You leave to the dorm.

You were strangely happy to be cleaning the dorm. Atleast you had something to do and maybe you would see Aaliyah.

You clean up the dorm fairly quickly which was quite the achievement since it looked like it was hit by a tornado.

You exit their dorm at the same time Aaliyah leaves hers. Her hands were full with pictures and sketchbooks.

She trips over her own feet and everything she was carrying lands on the floor.

You go to assist her. You hand her some of her things and she starts saying thank you until she realises it's you.

"Aaliyah," you start but she starts walking away.

"Aaliyah, please listen to me."

"Unless you want to tell me the truth then save it. I don't want to listen to you."

"You don't understand," you say.

"No. You don't understand. I told you everything about my life. I trusted you with my past yet you can't even tell me one thing."

She scoffs.

"I only wanted to know the truth so I could defend you but if you can't trust me to tell me one small thing then I guess we aren't as close as I thought we were." She walks away and you let her.

You felt guilty. You did want to tell her but words always seemed to escape you. That and the promise you made to Yoongi.

You sit alone in the staff cafeteria at your own table. Your lunch remains untouched as you stare off in the distance, deep in thought.

A sudden presence snaps you out of your miserable thoughts as he plops his lunch on the table.

"Hey Yn."

You look at Min Hyuk confused.

"Since when did this become a thing?" You ask referring to him sitting with you.

"Since today."


"You looked lonely plus we're friends now."

You look around a little confused and you even pinch your arm wondering if this was a nightmare.

It was a nightmare.

Unfortunately, reality is your biggest nightmare.

"And this happened when?"

"When you didn't damage my reputation in front of my brother."

"I didn't do that for you. I did it to save his precious little heart."

"Even more reason for us to be friends. We both care about my little brother."

You roll your eyes at him.

"You should be so grateful that I'm sitting with you. My presence is a blessing."

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