Chapter 19: Dibidibidis

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You blocked Mr Kang's number from your phone. You wanted no ties with that man neither did you want the slightest possibility of him contacting you again.

Things felt like they were looking up for you. Jun was fully recovered and all the tests and scans came back normal. It seemed like there was no memory loss or any behavioural changes. Which meant that there was no brain damage. Needless to say you were relieved.

Work continued as normal. Yoongi promised not to tell anyone about your 5 minutes of betrayal and he kept to his promise.

He was friendlier with you and intiated more casual conversations. In a matter of days you grew close to him, treating him like the older sibling you always wished for.

When the other members heard you call him oppa the look on their faces was priceless. Jungkook however kept a scowl on whenever you were in the room. You tried to not let his behaviour affect you but you couldn't help but feel hurt especially since you thought things were changing between you two.

Things had changed on your side at least. As hard as you tried to return the scowl or glare or his general rude tone you just couldn't. You would try to glare but as soon as you looked at him, your gaze softened. You could feel it.

You felt pathetic just thinking about your own behaviour. Before you could give a sarcastic comment in a heartbeat. But now you stumbled over your words as your eyes traced his features. Specifically his lips.

Every time you looked at the boy it would remind you of the gentle look he gave you as he inspected your black eye. It would remind you of the feeling of him caressing your cheek. It would remind you of the soft feel of his lips against yours. He, as a whole, was utterly spellbinding to you.

Unfortunately you felt like you were solely under the spell. Jungkook remained unaffected.
But even the knowledge of him not feeling the same as you didn't change your own emotions.

You liked him.

You knew it. And it was more than just the normal fan girl crush. It wasn't obsessive. You weren't thinking about him every second.  But if he crossed your mind it always managed to bring a small smile to your face.

You liked him.

That's why it hurt so much when he became cold towards you, again.

You are snapped out of your thoughts about a certain brown eyed boy when your psychology professor suddenly screams at the top of his lungs.

A few people scream in response and look around for the apparent danger. You included.

When he stops screaming, he smiles at the class.

Not creepy at all.

"See class, none of you knew why I screamed yet most responded with your very own scream. Do you know why?" Professor Do asks not expecting an answer.

"A scream or shriek is a panic response to danger. Because I purposefully initiated my panic response most of you sub consciously understood that there was danger and responded in a normal manner for humans. Our bodies do things to keep us safe and alert us and others when need be. Screaming is a human tactic to get help when in dangerous situations and in most situations it's involuntary.
We need to understand our own body and mind's functioning before we can try to understand someone else's. We need to know our own psychology first."

"Oh and one last thing. To those of you who didn't scream, what kind of sociopaths are you? Do you watch horror films on a daily basis or something? Anyways class dismissed."

Prof Do was your favourite professor. His classes are generally entertaining and are always insightful.

You smile as you pack up your stuff and leave the class but as you get to the door you bump into someone and his and your belongings fall to the ground.

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