Chapter 46: "Jungkook, What Are You Humming?"

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The day has finally arrived. It's Aaliyah's birthday. And you are extremely excited. Birthdays of those you love was always more exciting to you than your own. Probably because you really enjoy buying gifts and seeing the reaction from the person receiving the well thought out present.

Eventhough you and Taehyung have a surprise party planned for Aaliyah, you have no intention in pretending to forget her birthday. And you advised Taehyung against putting up an act of forgetfulness too. It would only make her suspicious because she knows you would never forget. You prided yourself on remembering the birthdays of those you care for and although this might be the first time you're celebrating her birthday she knew this fact all too well and that would just take the surprise out of the surprise party.

The plan is to suggest to take her out for dinner with Hani and then when you get to the restaurant...bam...the decor would be up and Pdnim and Mrs Hairi would be there too along with Minho, Minhyuk and the members ofcourse.

The special part of the surprise was not the fancy restaurant that a table was booked. But rather the fact that Taehyung booked the entire restaurant for the night. Which obviously was your idea and had to be done in advance.
A great idea. Expensive. But great nevertheless.

You're grateful for the timing for Aaliyah's birthday. It's a Saturday which means you don't have to worry about campus and could spend the day with the birthday girl herself.

"Are you ready to go, Pdnim?" You ask slinging your bag across your shoulder.

It's been almost a month since you and Jun first moved in with Pdnim and Mrs Hairi. You eventually did get into a new routine and you became familiar with the house. You also learnt Mrs Hairi was not kidding about sharing chores. There was a whiteboard in the kitchen that marked who was in charge of each chore and it rotated every week. Even Jun got chores assigned to him. Small ones though... like making sure Pdnim did his chores and taking dishes to the sink if need be. He did his part happily...especially the former.

Pdnim and Mrs Hairi are kind to you and Jun, undoubtedly. They showed their care by Asking about your day or what you and Jun wanted to eat for dinner (Mrs Hairi turned out be a great cook). Simple gestures that were sweet. The whole being taken care of instead taking care was something you hadn't experienced since eomma passed. So it was strange. And awkward for you.

Though you did become more comfortable or accustomed to, rather, your new surroundings and the safety that came with it you still weren't comfortable enough to address Pdnim and Mrs Hairi by anything other than that. Part of you didn't want to accept the new relationships. Maybe it was the fear of it being snatched from you somehow or maybe you were just afraid of getting attached. Perhaps you were still getting used to the change.

But regardless of your reasons, that didn't stop Jun from being more welcoming to them. He already addressed them as Samchon and Imo which they were more than delighted about. But for whatever reason you couldn't find it in you to gift them with the same joy.
(A/n samchon-uncle. Imo-aunt)

Mrs Hairi and Jun were getting fairly close. In the way that he'd ask her for help if he was confused about his homework and he was happy to share his day's events with her. To be fair she was happy to help and listen to him too.

You tried being happy because he was. But you felt less needed and that made you ever so slightly jealous. As if your own child was replacing you.
It was a selfish thought to have (because it was a good thing that Jun was receiving more love), you knew that but being aware of it didn't stop the thought from creeping into your mind sometimes and having a negative impact on your mood.
For now you just ignore the thoughts and hope they go away soon. The last thing you needed was to seem ungrateful to the people who were willing to accept you and your brother as their own kids and give you all you require including love and support.

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