Chapter 17: Some Things You Just Have To Do

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You went to work the next day, on the insistence of Jun. Truly you wanted to just take the day off and sit next to him for the rest of his stay at the hospital.

The boys were looking at a new song Yoongi had written while you tried to finish as much as work as possible so you leave by lunch time.

"Hey Yn, are you okay? Yesterday you looked so disturbed. We were worried about you," Namjoon asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Jun was just uhm a little sick. So I kind of panicked," you say not telling him the whole truth. You didn't want to burden anyone with your problems.

"Oh okay. I hope he gets better soon."

"Me too," you say softly.

Now that it was lunch, you decided it was time to leave. You had finished all the impending tasks for the day.

When you reached the hospital, you made the payment at the front desk. The operation would happen in half an hour. You sit with your brother during the waiting period.

He was trying to be strong for the both of you but you could see he was scared.

"It's ok to be frightened, champ. The bravest people get scared sometimes. It's normal. It's a part of life," you say to Jun.

"I know, eomma. I'm not scared for myself. I'm worried about you."


"You and I are a team and if I die then you'll be all alone. Eomma gets sad when she's alone."

"Sweetheart, you are not going to die, okay. And you don't need to worry about eomma. I'm a big girl. You're still too young to worry about me. Or to care of me. It's my job to worry and to take care of you."

"But then who will take care of you?"

"Jun stop worrying. Everything will be fine."

He nods his head.

The nurse comes in a little later to inform you that it's time for the operation.

"I love you, eomma."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

You kiss his forehead and then the nurses take him to the operating theatre.

"Miss Yn, there has been a complication," one of assisting surgeons say when he comes out of the operating room.

"What? What happened?" You say in shock.

"Draining the abscess is not going to work. We're going to have to remove it surgically."

"Then remove it. Why are you doing just standing here? Go remove it," you say with an edge of annoyance and panic.

"We need permission first to do it. Are you willing for it to be done knowing there are risks of memory loss or other brain damage?"

"It's not like I have a choice. If it's not done, he could die. I've lost enough people in my life, I can't lose my brother too. Do the surgery."

"Okay. The surgery costs more than -"

"I don't care about the money just go and do the surgery. I'll sort the payment out," you say fiercely.

"I'm sorry, Miss but our hospital has a strict policy that a surgery can be done only after the payment is done."

You looked at the doctor like he was a heartless monster and in your eyes he was. A child's life was on the line and all these people cared about was money. Ironically, it was sickening.

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