Chapter 15: Psychology

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"What, Jungkook? What do you want?" You whisper yelled because you were annoyed at the late call.

You were attempting to sleep and Jun was already asleep beside you.

You were at that moment where you were on the brink of sleep. Sleep was calling you to him with open arms. But the sudden call acted as a disturbance.

You were irritated not only because you were woken up in the middle of the night but also because you knew you wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. No matter how hard you tried.

"Geez, someone is snappy."

"Excuse me for being upset at you for calling me at," you paused and picked up your glasses from the side table so you could actually see the time on the wall clock, "at ten thirty. Why are you awake?"

"I have my reasons. Anywho, I need you to come here asap."


"To the dorm."

"Why?" You ask agitated.

"In due time, Yn. In due time, you'll find out."

"I can't come. I can't leave my brother alone.

Uncle Lee was out.
Probably drinking
Not that you were complaining. At least you felt secure, like you and Jun could sleep peacefully for the night.
Until the call.
Uncle Lee generally didn't come home on nights that he drank at a bar. But your room door was locked just in case he did come back.

"Then just bring him to the dorm."

"He's sleeping. I don't want to wake him."

"You don't have to wake him up. I've seen you carry a sleeping Jun before. Just do it."


"Just do it."

"Fine," you say half heartedly.

"Oh, and please don't come in your pyjamas. Look a little... presentable."

"Ugh. Whatever."

You begrudgingly get out of bed and you curse Jungkook several times when you're changing in the bathroom.

You put on jeans and a dark blue hoodie. You didn't really care what you wore because nothing could hide your eyes that showed your sleep deprivation.

You carefully lifted Jun up and carried him and then placed him in the cab you called. He just held onto you tighter not waking up at all.

Boys really sleep like the dead sometimes.

How lucky.

When you reach the door of the boys' dorm, you knock a little too hard.

"I see you and your awful attitude could make it."

You rolled your eyes at Jungkook.

"We'll leave him in my room," Jungkook suggests.

"Okay," you say.

You expected a dumb reason for Jungkook's call to you. What you didn't expect, however, was for Jungkook to take your sleeping brother from you and carefully carry the little boy to his room.

"Thanks," you mumble.

You stroke Jun's head and kiss him on the forehead before leaving Jungkook's room.

"Okay, so what do you need from me now?"

"I wanted you to accompany me somewhere," he says with non chalance

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