Chapter 57: "Oh..."

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My dear readers, just a quick note before you start reading the new chapter.

This chapter similar to the previous one will include time lapses.

Here is a recap of how the time lapses work if you've forgotten or just need a reminder.

1 asterisk * = small time lapse. Anywhere between a few hours passing or seconds. It can also just separate two scenes that are occurring at the same or around the same time.

3 asterisk *** = a larger time lapse. It can mean days, weeks or months have passed. You'll have an idea from the context of the scene. Most of the time it's weeks.

Okay now that that's clear, happy reading to my amazing readers.


"That's so beautiful," you sob.

"I know right!" Aaliyah agrees.

"I want a wedding like that!" Hani says.

"Here, Puke Oppa," you say handing the crying Minhyuk the box of tissues all of you were making use of while watching the wedding scene in Crazy Rich Asians.

It's a Girls Day and as always the four of you decided to watch a romcom. It never occurred to any of you to not include Minhyuk in a Girls Day ever since he became part of your friends group. Somehow the man has managed to be seen as one of the girls to you, Aaliyah and Hani. And nothing would change that.

Honestly the first time he joined you for a movie day, he wasn't initially invited. But he'd whined about feeling left out and the three of you felt bad so you invited him join and it was actually a fun experience so he's been invited ever since.

"Thanks," he sniffs before blowing his nose.

"That's one of the best wedding scenes I've ever watched," Aaliyah says.

"Yeah, when the 'like a river flows' line is sung and then water actually flows through the aisle, it's so picturesque and beautiful," you add.

"And when Nick and Rachel mouth to eachother that they love each other while his cousin's wedding is happening...that is so romantic," Hani says. "When I plan my wedding it's going to be this extravagant. "

"I'm going to ask Hae Ra to marry me," Minhyuk announces suddenly. Seriously.

The three of you turn your heads to stare at him immediately.

Not exactly a conversation any of you expected today.

Minhyuk sees our surprised and or questioning expressions and then continues explaining. "You remember when she and I had that pregnancy scare?"

"Yeah, three months ago, right?" You ask.


"Is she pregnant?" Aaliyah asks softly.

"No!" He exclaims instantly. "That's not it at all. We"ve been more careful but that's not the point," he shakes his head and then sighs. " If she was pregnant then we would've accepted it and had the baby. But all my life I was never certain if I'd even want to be a parent. After the experience with my parents and my own bad traits, I worried that I'd become a bad parent which I never wanted. And I'd had a chance at raising a child by taking care of Minho. But...after that scare I kept thinking about the future. And I know I want to be with her. But I hadn't thought further than that. But 3 months ago I started thinking about her and I having kids one day. And the idea was more than appealing. I realised that's the future I want for us. Getting married, raising our kids and then growing old together."

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