Chapter 10: What's your definition of an Emergency?

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"Yn. I haven't seen you in forever." Hani says dramatically.

"We saw eachother yesterday, Hani." You laugh at your friend's dramatics.

"I know but every minute without you seems like a lifetime."

"Hani. What do you want?" You ask knowing your friend's antics, all too well.

"Nothing. I am offended, Yn, that you would think that I'm only nice when I need a favour. Can't I just appreciate my friends pre-"

"Hani." You cut her speech short. She sighs knowing you've caught her out.

"Fine. Can I come with you tomorrow and meet Aaliyah and BTS? Pleeeaaassee." She begs you.

"I don't know. I mean I can take you to the dorm to meet Aaliyah but I don't know about the members. We're not on the best of terms."

"I know but I was hoping you would help out the friend that got you the job." She says extra sweetly.

"What is happening to the people of this world? I guess nothing is for free. Not even a favour from a friend." You sigh.
"Okay. I'll ask Aaliyah to invite the boys to her dorm for dinner." You share your idea.

"Thank you, Yn. You're the best."

"I know." You flip your hair before both of you start laughing together.

You both separate going to your different classes. Hani tells you she'll see you at lunch in an hour.

"Yn. Yn. Yn." Hani snaps her fingers infront of you which wakes you up

"I'm up. I'm up." You yell from shock. Everybody stares at you until Hani tells them to get back to their own business.

"This is third time you've fallen asleep. What time did you sleep last night?"

"More like this morning, Hani."


"I slept at 2am. And then woke up and 4. This has been my routine for the past week."

"But why?"

"I have to get ready and then I have to get Jun ready. I have to clean the boys' dorm and still be on time for my morning lecture. I leave the morning lecture and go back to bighit. I have to make sure the boys are following their schedule and then I have to get them lunch. They generally change their mind on what they want so I have to go get that. I go to my afternoon lecture and then I have to pick Jun up from school. I go back to bighit and drop Jun off by Aaliyah and see if the idiots need anything while they're practicing." You manage to say this in one breath.

"That's a lot." She says feeling tired for you.

"I'm not finished. They usually ask for something that's far away so I have to rush and fetch it. Then go back to their dorm making sure it's clean for them by the time they come back. I have to still arrange their schedule for the next day and in between everything I run the personal errands they send me on. I go back to Aaliyah's dorm around 8. I cook because Jun only eats what I make otherwise he'll only eat eggs. I study for my upcoming test and I work as much as I can on the 2 assignments. By the time I'm pleased with the amount of work I've done it's already 2. I wake up at 4 and my routine starts all over again."

Hani stares at you in shock and admiration.

"How are you still sane."

You laugh at her.

"Good question. I'm not." Your face going serious. At first she laughs but stops when she realises you're not joking.

"Thank God I didn't take that job. I wouldn't have lasted a day." She says.

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