Chapter 35: Justin Timberlake's Song Comes To Mind.

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After waking the boys up and making their coffee, which you kindly left on the counter for them, you leave their dorm to give them a chance to get ready.

You put your hand on the knob of Aaliyah's door when you hear the door behind you close again.

"Yn, can I speak to you quickly?" Taehyung asks.

"Sure," you say, turning around to face him.

"Uhm. Not here let's go a little further down."

"Okay," you don't think much of his request, you just follow him down the corridor.

"You're really close to Aaliyah, right?"

"Well duh," you reply.

"Great. So... uhm... her birthday is coming up."

"I know. I'm her best friend."

"Will you let me finish?"

"Sorry. Continue."

"I was hoping you'd... uhm... help me... plan a surprise for her," his nervousness is obvious.

You grin so widely that your face actually hurts. Taehyung takes a step back, looking at you with a hint of fear and confusion.


"Nothing," you say. "I'll be more than happy to help."

"Thank you," he says hugging you in excitement.

"No problem. Anyways, what's the plan?" You ask excitedly.

He rubs the back of his neck, " about that... I don't have a plan. I was hoping that's where you would come in."

Your smile immediately drops and you stare blankly at Taehyung.

"I honestly don't know why I'm surprised. It's fine just leave everything to me and I'll tell you if I need you to do something."

"Wait you already have an idea?"

"Of course. You're going to have to use your stardom influence at some point though. I can't carry this out alone."

"No no. Definitely. I want to be involved."

"Great. I'll message you when I need help. I'm assuming you need help choosing a gift too?"

He rubs behind his neck again, "yeah..."

"Okay, we'll sort that out a little later," you look down at your watch," I have to go now, Mr Baek wanted to see me."

"Okay. See you later, Yn."

"Yeah. Bye oppa."


"So I was thinking, you could use a navy blue dress for the wedding and Minho can use a navy blue tie," Aaliyah suggests. 

The two of you were in the dance studio, sitting on the floor, watching the boys practice for their next music video. Aaliyah found more interest in speaking about your outfit for the wedding then anything the boys were doing.

"Aaliyah, I appreciate your enthusiasm but it's a wedding not prom. We don't need to be colour co-ordinated."

"I know that, Yn, but it doesn't hurt to match a little with your date. Just leave everything to me."

"Like you've given me a choice but to leave everything to you," you laugh.

"Are you insinuating that I'm a controlling and perhaps obsessive?" She squints her eyes at you.

"I'm not insinuating anything. I'm telling it to you straight out," you laugh again.

"Take it back," she playfully shoves you.

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