Chapter 45: Plato Was Wrong

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"Hey, Minho! I just realised I never asked you how your date went! ... I guess I've been a little too...distracted."

"I don't blame you. Of late your life has been...newsworthy..."

"Stop," you say playfully punching his arm but you're unable to conceal your laugh. Jokes are your weakness. "But I'm being serious. How did it go? She likes you a lot, right. I was right wasn't I?" You wiggle your eyebrows.

"Well... yes ...and no."


"It's a strange story so just bear with me."

"Ok...go on..."

"So I went to the library to the specific place Haeun and I were supposed to meet. She wasn't there so I assumed she was just running late," he explains and you nod your head in understanding.

"I messaged her to say I arrived and she said that she was on her way but her friend Choi Ara was already there who was apparently part of the study session the whole time...and would wait with me. So as you can imagine I was already embarrassed for thinking it was a date and believe me when I say I blamed you for the whole thing."

"Oops..." you say awkwardly and look down.

"Wait that's not the most awkward part. So Ara came and when she saw me she had the most confused expression. I assume she messaged Haeun who probably told her about me since she greeted me after that. So we kind stared at eachother awkwardly and then decided to sit at the tables to wait for Haeun."

Suddenly you realise where this story is going but you let Minho continue just in case you're mistaken... evidently it wouldn't be the first time.

"So Ara and I started talking. It was courteous small talk at first and then we had a few common interests so the conversation became more comfortable. At the time I hadn't realised how much time passed by 2 hours later, Haeun comes in. And you were right, she didn't need help with the section. Long story short she was trying to set me and Ara up on a date. Apparently Ara liked me but didn't know how to approach me so her friend came up with this plan on her own. I must say that bit of information did boost my Male ego," he smiled. "Therefore yes you were right...but also not. "

"Well, I only heard the part where I'm right so that's all that matters to me," you shrug. "So what did you guys decide?"

"We decided to start of as friends and see where it goes from there. Just so we get to know eachother more before we jump into anything.

"That makes sense. It's a good idea. Either way, I ship it."

"You and your ships, " he shakes his head. "Someone's gonna think you own a cruise line one day." He laughs. "But enough about me. How are things going between you and Jungkook hyung?" Minho wiggles his eyebrows. There's no doubt in your mind that Minho and Minhyuk are brothers.

"Fine...Nothing is different."

"Are you sure about that?" He teases and suddenly you wonder if Minho's related to Aaliyah in any way.

"Yes. I am."

"Why do I get the feeling there's something you're not telling me?"

You think back to the recent discovery you made.
The fact that you are very much in love with Jungkook.
A fact that you've accepted but still feel ext1remely concerned about.

"Ha there's n-nothing..." you say nervously and look to the side. "I just remembered, I have to go. BTS are doing a performance for an award show and.. uh.. I have to be make sure everything is fine. So...uh...see ya," you say nervously and wave at Minho quickly before you rush off.

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