Chapter 54: "I Don't Need You To Be My Umbrella. I Just Need You To Be Okay. "

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You're in the middle of a lecture when you feel the incessant buzzing of your phone in your jeans pocket. You assume it's chatter on the group chat...probably Minhyuk overreacting about something.

When you pull your phone out and hide it under the desk to silence it, you see the number of missed calls and you consider ignoring it. But when you see one of the messages sent to you, you stand up startled.

"Oh my God," you say panicked.

And if it weren't such an emergency to you and you weren't so worried, you would not only be embarrassed but also fearful for disrupting this particular lecturer's class.

Prof Cho is terrifying to say the least. She hates any kind of interruptions. But you truly can't care less about any of that right now.

"Is there something you'd like to share with the class? Perhaps you think you're too good to stay quiet like the other students, yes?" She asks sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I have to go, I have a family emergency," you say, gathering your stuff quickly and rushing out not waiting for permission.

"You may attend to it," you hear her say when you're already exiting.

The trip to the hospital seems too slow no matter how much you tell the taxi driver to hurry up.

Nobody is answering your messages or calls now and that has you in a anxious frenzy.

Seconds after paying the cab driver you're already running to the reception of the hospital.

"There's a patient, Jeon Jungkook. Where is he?" You ask skipping any kind of pleasantry, with tears streaming down your face. "I'm Yn." You add wiping at your cheeks.

"Who are you to the patient?"

"His colleague. Friend. Girlfriend." You correct hoping one of those answers will let you see him. "Which room is he in?"

"Room 208. He might be asleep and there's a lot of people that came with him during admission so you might not be able to go inside his room. It's one person at a time."

You barely hear the rest of her words because you're racing down the hallway looking for the right room. You have to the elevator because the room is only on the next floor.

It doesn't take you long to find the room because all the BTS members are standing outside along with Minhyuk and Aaliyah.

"Is he okay?" Is the first question you ask when they notice your approaching steps.

"He's alright. Luckily the car wasn't travelling fast when it knocked him. It kind of just happened out of nowhere. He has a few minor injuries. But thankfully nothing serious. No serious head trauma. A few scrapes and bruises. He needed stitches on his heel but he also fell and hurt his ankle. But he'll be fine," Namjoon informs.

"Oh, thank God," you say in utter relief, holding a hand to your chest. "I was so worried." You rub your hands down your face.

"You weren't supposed to find out until later. Jungkook told us not to tell you anything because he knew you'd panic and that you had a day of lectures," Aaliyah says. "But someone," she glares at Minhyuk, "couldn't keep it to himself."

"I panicked, okay," he says holding his hands up in surrender. "And I thought she'd want to know!"

"He's right. I would want to know," you admit. "But I would've preferred more details than just 'Jungkook's in hospital'. " you sigh. "What did Samchon say?" You ask Namjoon after a moment.

"Pdnim is only coming back tomorrow but he said to make sure Jungkook listens to the doctors orders and rests. He's not supposed to put pressure on his foot for about 3 weeks. And he can't do any intense exercise for 6 weeks. So no dancing."

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