Chapter 3 : Finally

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Heyo I'm back. Guess what its a double update my friends so if you didnt see the previous chapter go and check it out.

I wont delay your reading so here it goes.

Panting, you run to your friend's front door, ringing the doorbell incessantly.
Four minutes and 32 seconds later Hani opens the door smiling at you like everything in the world was perfect.
Maybe her world.

Hani has always had an easy life. She comes from money. Her parents own a family business with branches all over the country, in fact in some other countries too.

Even with her parents being workaholics they've never put her second to their work. She's always been the first priority. Perks of being an only child, you guess. Her parents love her more than anything else in the world. You know this because anytime you see them look at her, you can see the glow in their eyes especially when she speaks. 

Her family is in no way broken. There's family night every Sunday at her house where all the extended family get together for dinner and for a game night.
And Mr and Mrs Kim are still as much in love as they were when they first got married. Well atleast thats what Mr Kim says. But it's not hard for you to believe considering you've seen the way they look at eachother. It's the same way your mother looked at your father. With a love so pure and fragile that you wanted to care for it with everything you had in you.

But you knew better than that. You knew in most cases love only brought agony. And all the happiness it could give was nothing compared to the pain it inflicted.

You weren't particularly jealous of your friend. You did sometimes find yourself envying all the love she had and how she never struggled a day in her life. Meanwhile every day of your life seemed to be a struggle.
You didn't care much for all the money but witnessing her family's unity and love for one another did make you wish you had the same in your life.

But even if the opportunity were to somehow present itself you know you wouldn't trade your brother for anything in the world. Not a complete family. Not money. Not the world. Nothing. Because Jun was your world. He was like your own child and you loved him with all your heart.

There are very few people in the world that you cared for. To be honest they're only two. Jun and Hani.
Actually make that 7 more. BTS may not know you exist but their music has given you an escape in your hardest times. So you can't help but include them in your list.
Hani's parents are lovely people but you wouldn't put them on your priority list.

"What was *heavy breathing* the big *more panting* emergency?" You ask taking deep breaths after every two words. Only now do you realise how unfit you are.
You know it but that doesn't mean youre going to do anything about it.

"I'll tell you in all due time, my friend. But first I think you need to come inside and drink some water."

After settling down on her couch and drinking lots and lots of water, you ask her again what the emergency was.

"I'll answer you right now but just answer a question of mine. Uhm why did you have a big stick in your hand?"

"Oh this," you reply picking up the large branch,you had long forgotten about and had absentmindedly left on the ground.
"You called me and said there was an emergency so while I was running here my mind made up many scenarios of what the alleged emergency could be. And a murderer being in your house was one of them. So I picked up the first thing I saw so that I could defend you if there really was a murderer."

"Aww. You're so sweet. Wanting to defend me and everything. Aren't you the best."

"Yeah I'm great. Now what was the emergency? You look perfectly fine."

"Did you find a job yet?"

"No. Nothing has changed from two weeks ago when we were looking in the newspaper at the cafe. "

"Ah daebak. So you know how I told you my uncle got a new job at some big company."


"Well it turns out that, that big company is Big Hit. And he said that they're looking for a personal assistant for the BTS members. He asked me if I wanted it but I thought why would I take the job when I have a friend right here who is much more organised and responsible than me and would be a much better personal assistant."

You just stare at your best friend wide eyed with your mouth gaping. A chance to meet the bangtan boys. Better yet work for them and see them every single day. It's like a dream come true.

"The job interview is in two days at 7am. So prepare all your answers and don't be late." She says sternly whilst getting up from the couch.

You suddenly snap out if your daydream of a life with BTS and you jump to your feet and give Hani a big hug. You're probably suffocating her to an extent but you just can't contain your excitement.

"Can't. Breathe."

"Oh sorry," you say finally letting go.

By the time you leave Hani's house, you thanked her so much that she threatened if she were to ever hear you say thank you again you would be extremely sorry.

But you weren't scared of her. She was about as dangerous as a teddy bear. Not that you ever wanted to get on her bad side. Because although she's not scary, she has "connections" who could probably make someone disappear and nobody would question it.

As you walk home you feel much more hopeful than you did in the last few weeks maybe even years. BTS really do come through when you need them.

All you needed to do now was impress your interviewer. Which should be easy. Right?

So my lovely people I hope you enjoyed this chapter, its longer than the previous one like I promised.

The next chapter will be the interview. Im looking foward to it.

So.... how is everyone?

Uhm ok. Please don't forget to vote and comment i would love to know what you guys think.

See you in the next chapter but for now this awkward potato is out.

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