Chapter 41: The Word You're Thinking of is Mutilation

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"You said NO?! Why?!" Aaliyah asks in complete bafflement. She, Hani and you were sitting in her office, while you told them about the previous day's events.

"I think you need to lower your volume just a notch..." you say, moving your hands away from ears. "It's in the world and my hearing's best interest." She rolls her eyes at you.
"And to answer your question, I couldn't say yes to him, considering I don't have any romantic feelings for him. It would've been wrong of me to say yes."

"I wish he asked me..." she sighs. "I would've said yes..." she says dreamily, gazing at nothing.

"Keep lying to yourself," you snort. "But you and I both know you wouldn't. You have your eyes and heart set on someone else, whether you want to admit it or not," you say.

"Yn is right," Hani says. "About both things."

"You two always gang up on me," Aaliyah pouts and crosses her arms. "It's not fair."

"We're just stating facts," you and Hani say simultaneously and then high-5 each other.

Aaliyah scowls at the two of you. "To think, that once upon a time I thought I had friends. Oh, what a bitter twist reality is. I came into this world alone and alone is how I shall forever remain. Why God? Why?" she complains dramatically.

"I can't believe she thought we were her friends..." Hani whispers to you but says it loud enough for Aaliyah to hear.

"Hey!" Aaliyah smacks Hani's arm. Hani and you chuckle at her pout.

"Aw Aalu, we were just joking. We're all best friends here." Hani playfully drapes her arm around Aaliyah's shoulders.

"Yup," you agree.

"Mhm..." she says attempting to hold back a smile but failing miserably.

The conversation was going to continue but there's a knock on the door and then Min Hyuk opens the door and walks inside.

"Aaliyah, Mr. Baek wanted- oh! you guys are here too."


"Hey, Puke Oppa."

You feel a little awkward to make any eye contact with Minhyuk. You wonder if he knows you inadvertently rejected his brother, albeit with good intentions in mind.

If he did know... would he make you disappear?

"What did Mr. Baek want?" Aaliyah asks.

"Oh. Right. Yeah, he wanted to know if the upcoming fan signing wardrobe is finalized yet and he wants the details once it's finalized," Minhyuk answers.

"Uhh..." Aaliyah looks through folders on her desk. "Ah, here it is."

"Okay, great. Thanks."

You wave merrily, trying to disguise your relief at him leaving.

But just when you think you've escaped the situation, "Also... how dare you break my brother's heart, Yn?" Minhyuk says poking his head into the room again.

"Oppa~," you say sweetly and then follow it with a nervous laugh.

His hand is in a fist with only his index finger pointing outwards which he moves back and forth nonchalantly gesturing you to come to him.

You sigh and both Aaliyah and Hani tap your back. "If you make it out alive don't forget to see Pdnim to ask for leave next week."

You nod your head weakly.

Your head hangs low as you follow him out of the room. You've accepted your inevitable death and you just hope Aaliyah and Hani take care of Jun once you're officially gone.

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