Chapter 26: And Then There Were 5

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One would generally think that Sunday was a day of rest. The day one would get to catch up on a week of lost sleep and prepare one's self for the week ahead.

Not for you.

You had to go to work and weren't you just elated to see a group of people that caused you misery sometimes accidentally and other times on purpose.

You were reluctant to go from the time you woke up. Truly you just wanted to call in sick. You weren't in the mood to deal with anyone's (*cough* Jungkook *cough*) temperamental issues.

After Hoseok found out your half truth, you didn't see him for the rest of the day.  Actually, you didn't see any of Bangtan for the rest of the day.

Apparently they went back to their dorm to rest and didn't need your assistance for the remaining part of the day. So you just stayed with Aaliyah in her office until you had to go home. Which was perfectly fine for you although you couldn't help but be curious as to whether or not the rest of bangtan also knew of your half truth.

Your curiosity would soon come to an end, you guessed. Today you'd find out if there was any change of heart in the 7 delinquents.
You wanted to be hopeful but it came as a natural instinct to you to be pessimistic. It was so much easier dealing with a bad situation if you were negative from the start.

You learnt that expectations could be detrimental. Yes, a little hope could be good for you but being negative was so much better than being hopeful and then having having your hopes crushed right in front of you.

You learnt from your father abandoning your family and your mother's death how it felt to be devastatingly disappointed by having hope or expectations. It was a specifically unfortunate since you had the pleasure of learning the lesson so early in your life.

Jun was still sleepy when the time came for both of you to leave. You felt bad for having woken him up but he quickly tells you that he'd sleep when you got to Aaliyah's dorm.

Staying true to his word, the moment you enter Aaliyah's dorm, the sleepyhead went straight to the room he occupied when you both stayed with her. He said a greeting over his shoulder before going to dreamland.

"You look nice. Isn't that the shirt you wore to your interview? Man, I'm so good at taking stains out," she says referring to the coffee stain free shirt.

"I usually only wear this for special events but I'm behind on laundry so this is the only clean shirt I have currently."

"Ready for the fan meeting today?" Aaliyah asks.

"I guess so. I mean it's not like I'm the one with the fans I just have to stand in the sidelines." You shrug.

"Yeah, but it's your first time at a fanmeeting. You didn't even go to one when you were a fan."

"Watching one on youtube as a livestream doesn't count?"

"No." She shakes her head at you.

"And here I was, thinking it did count. Life of a broke fan, I guess."

"It's not so bad. I mean now you're going for free. Actually, technically speaking you're getting paid to go since it's part of your job. So good for you."

"Yes. Good for me. I get to watch 7 men I once admired be sweet to weak hearted fangirls and fanboys. The same men that treat me like god damn poop. How lucky am I?" You say in an absolutely fake cheery voice.

"Don't be such a negative Nancy. I mean you kissed Kookie almost 3 times. So you really are the winner here," she nudges you with her elbow while wiggling her eyebrows.

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