Chapter 39: "Can you hear that? It's the Wedding bells."

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It was sweet how everyone fawned over you while you were sick. Jin was constantly bringing you food items to have. While Hoseok kept wrapping you in blankets causing you to mimic a human burrito. Aaliyah would check your temperature every few seconds.

Yoongi would keep telling you to rest or sleep. He didn't let you do an ounce of work.

And although the notion was sweet, all of the care started making you feel like you were dying. The intense care makes you feel useless and definitely was a tad bit suffocating.

Fortunately, you're soon able to convince everyone that you're fine. It took time and effort to persuade them in to believing such. But you're successful eventually.

Seeing the other members and Aaliyah be the doting and concerned friends they are made Jungkook loosen his metaphorical protective hold over you.

To be completely honest, you were not completely pleased about that.

But would you ever admit that outloud?


Besides Jungkook loosening his hold, there was one other thing troubling you.

And that was the way Jin looked at you at times.

It was these sneaky glances that made you feel as if he was guarding one of your secrets.

A secret that you're not actually sure of yourself.

What does he know? You pondered. But you decide to push it aside. Maybe it was all just in your mind. And even if it wasn't, if he did know something maybe it would be best that you didn't know.

What you don't know can't hurt you.


"Remind me again, why you didn't just take the day off?" Aaliyah asks while looking through some prospective lipsticks.

"Because the wedding reception will only take maybe one hour, max. Why would I waste an entire day just for one hour?" You say tiredly.

"Because you deserve some rest after taking care of 7 whiney babies basically 24/7. Give yourself a break for once Yn."

"I will. When I need to. And they're not so whiney anymore. Plus, to be honest, their annoyingness distracts me from other annoying things in my life," you shrug and then look at yourself, who's seated in front of a mirror.

Aaliyah smiles at you sadly and you roll your eyes to show it's not a 'pity me' moment. She rolls her eyes in response.

"So will you ever take a day off?" She asks finally having chosen a lipgloss instead.

"Ofcourse I will," you say. "When it's necessary."

"So taking the day off for your professor's wedding isn't necessary?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Not at all. Like I said before why would I take a day off for a 1 hour event? It feels like I'm wasting a day. And I can get so much done before going."

You sigh.

"Well...atleast I would get a lot done if you didn't take so long with my makeup," you point out.

"Hey! Doing makeup is an art, ok. And if you can do it faster why aren't you doing it yourself?"

"Because, why would I do it if I have you?" You say in a matter of factly tone. "But honestly you are being a tad slow."

"Well, can you blame me? You look gorgeous so I'm clearly working miracles with this stuff. Miracles take time dear Yn," she pats your head and you frown.

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