Chapter 16: I Hate Hospitals

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You've been in awkward situations before but never have you ever been in such an awkward situation that you just wanted to be on the first trip to Mars, to avoid anymore social interactions...Until now.

The kiss with Jungkook may have been one of the best experiences in your life. However, that moment once the kiss was over probably could win the title as the "Most awkward moment in your life".

The two of you eventually parted from a kiss, that felt like it lasted hours. Your hands were still pressed against his chest and his were still around your waist. You stared at eachother intensely, intimately, for about ten seconds before jumping apart, realising what you two just shared.

"Uhm... thanks for the help, pal," you say slapping his shoulder as if you two were buddies. You cringed internally at your own words.

Why am I like this?

"No problem, pal," Jungkook says and slaps your shoulder too.

"We should... uhm... go," you say gesturing to the door.

Jungkook nods his head a little too energetically but you're not there to see it because you're already walking away.

The car ride to the dorm was even worse. You've sat in silence before and you were perfectly fine with it. But this silence was uncomfortable and you were itching to say something, anything. The only problem was you didn't know how to go about doing it.

Both of you hated the silence yet neither you made a move to change things.

Jungkook was kind enough to carry Jun from his room room to the cab.

"Uhh...Thanks... for everything," you say.

"No worries. Anyways I had the weirdest type of fun. The night was... eventful. Bye Yn. "

You couldn't agree more with the boy.

"Bye, Jungkook." You waved before closing the cab door.

You didn't know how you'd face him the next day or any day.. You didn't even know how you'd face Aaliyah and Hani without exploding into giggles and telling them the happenings of tonight.

Before the kiss you were mostly sure that you didn't like Jungkook. He was just your bias turned boss, that you currently loathed. You didn't know if your heart was racing because you were still a closet fangirl or because you had real feelings for him. 

All you knew was that today changed something between the two of you. That the unknown effect Jungkook had on you was more serious than you assumed.

"I hope this is not what I think it is," you confess to a sleeping Jun.

You tried to shake everything off. Telling yourself that he only kissed you because he was trying to help. Developing actual feelings for him will only lead to your own ruination.

Besides, Jungkook would never feel the same.

Little did you know he was battling with the same thoughts as you.


Jungkook didn't know what to make of this night.
He didn't regret kissing Yn one bit, however, he didn't appreciate the after effects of his actions.

He couldn't get her soft lips, innocent eyes and surprised expression out of his mind.

Jungkook didn't know how things would be between him and her now, but he knew they definitely wouldn't be the same.

He hoped their teasing antics would remain the same because as much as she infuriated him sometimes, he had to admit their fights were entertaining.

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