Chapter 28: Secrets Here. Secrets There. Secrets Everywhere.

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"I don't understand. What do I have to do in all of this?"

"My dearest Hani, you just need to be your fun loving self," Aaliyah answers simply. 

You listen to her explain a few things to Hani while you stir your almost ready seafood broth. You still didn't completely understand Aaliyah's plan but you've learnt from previous experiences that it's just better to trust her and go with the flow.
You didn't have much, if anything, to lose anyways.

"Yn, can I talk to you for a minute?" Hani asks. Her tone was serious and from that you already knew something was wrong. Hani was rarely serious. About anything.

"Uh sure." You lower the heat of the stove and you put the lid on the pot. She walks to the room you were occupying for the night and closes the door once you're in.

You sit on the bed and you wait for her to speak but she says nothing.  She just paces up and down.

After 3 minutes you decide to intervene on her thoughts.
"Hani, are you go-"

"I just... I just don't understand one thing, Yn." Her words interrupts yours.

"What don't you understand?" You look at her with genuine confusion.
"Because if it's about Aaliyah's plan the don't worry. I don't understand it much myself." You shrug.

"No it's not about the plan. That's actually the least confusing thing to me currently."

"Oh okay. Then?"

"I'm still your best friend, right?"
She stops pacing and turns to face.

You stand up abruptly.
"Of course! Why would you even ask that?"

"If I'm your best friend, yn, then why didn't you find it necessary to tell me any of this? I mean no offense to Aaliyah when I say this but, why did I have to find out from a third person about Jun's surgery?"


"Yn, I've been your friend since third grade. Before Jun even existed. I was with you when your dad left. I was with you through your mom's passing. I've been with you through everything but you can't even trust me enough to tell me that you needed money. Even if I wasn't here, I would've arranged something. We could've avoided this whole matter. Look yn, I'm not asking for any accolades or awards for being your friend for so long. All I'm asking is for you to trust me and actually be honest with me. So I'll ask you again, am I still your best friend?" She looks at you with tears glossing over her eyes. It makes your heart hurt.

Your intention was never to hurt Hani you just didn't want to bother her but you realised you were wrong. Hani has been with you through the bulk of your life and you did a disservice to your friendship by not telling her about your recent troubles. She still didn't know about your current complicated relationship status with Jungkook or about the truth of uncle Lee. 

"You are my best friend. You'll always be my best friend. Everything just happened so fast and I could barely think straight. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth sooner but I promise from now on you'll be the first person I tell everything to. No more secrets. I swear."

You intended on keeping your promise. You would tell her everything. But you would start of small. Maybe with your newly found friendship with Minho and Minhyuk.

"Okay." She hugs you. At that exact moment Aaliyah opens the door. Hani breaks the hug.

"Hey Yn, I took the food off the stove. I think its coo- Sorry was I interrupting a moment?"

"No it's ok. I was just about to tell Hani about a few things I hadn't told her yet."

"Oh, about your uncle Lee?"

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