Chapter 51: "Pfft, I'm Not Gonna Miss You."

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When the realisation finally dawns on you in the middle of a run episode filming that the start of the tour is only a month away, you have to put in a lot of effort not to show how deeply affected you are by the news.

You're always up to date with schedules and you knew the date BTS would have to board a flight to Europe for the start of their tour, for a while. Yet somehow the puzzle pieces didn't fit together in your head and you didn't notice the time pass. It's like you were well aware of the date but still hadn't processed it.

But now that you have well and truly processed it, you don't know whether to wish back your ignorance is bliss state, or to will away time so the end of the tour is already here. You know that you have to make the most of time you have with BTS and Aaliyah before they leave for the long trip since you couldn't go along with them. They haven't left yet and you're already waiting for them to come back. You almost want to laugh at how pathetic you sound.

You're obviously going to miss all of them, especially Aaliyah but the thought of not being able to see Jungkook as often as you're used to, creates a longing ache in your chest. And that's when you decide that you have to spend as much time with him as possible...granted that he wanted to spend that time with you too.

And that's what gets you to stay in the dressing room for the entirety of the run filming. The prize is to leave the filming early and everyone has already left except for Jungkook who is still busy with solving whatever puzzle or riddle he's been given. The only reason you're staying in the dressing room is because you would've definitely tried to give all of them hints to win so they could leave earlier and the filming team would not have been happy with you even if their boss is your uncle.

So to avoid conflict and to still be there for Jungkook, you wait patiently in the dressing room busying yourself with catching bits of the filming that's shown on the screen in the room and with reading through some research for an assignment.

It's late when filming is over but you're grateful it's done. Probably not as grateful as Jungkook though. He's so tired he doesn't even notice you at first when he walks into the room. He just grabs his backpack that's on the couch by the door.

Jungkook looks up and sees you sitting at the chair by the vanity with your textbook on the table.

"Yn? You're still here?" He blinks his eyes like he's not sure if he's imagining you in all his exhaustion.

"Yeah..."You answer.

"Why? You should've left hours ago."

He lets out a yawn as you pack your stuff and stand up to leave. "I was waiting for you...You're going on tour soon...I just...I don't want to waste time I could be spending with you," you say, "with all of you. All the members and Aaliyah," you quickly add.

Jungkook looks at you in confusion and you panic thinking you said something terribly wrong.

"Aren't you coming with us?" he asks and then you understand his confusion.

"No...I'm not. I can't," you say picking up your bag and walking over toward him." I have university. And as much as I trust Imo and Samchon I just wouldn't leave Jun for that long.

Jungkook's eyes widen slightly and he frowns, "I didn't even consider the idea of you not coming along."

"That's okay. I only realised the tour starts in a month, today." You shrug. "I think I've been too preoccupied with other thoughts and also it just seemed like a far away date so I didn't think about it."

"I'm going to miss you, Yn," he says taking your breath away. "I know we can still message and talk...I mean I'd send carrier pigeons if that was the only way to stay in touch...but I'm still gonna miss you."

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