Chapter 20:The Rebels

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Instead of taking a cab like you normally do to work you decided to walk for a change. It was Saturday and you didn't have much planned for the 'personal time' part of the day.

Jun was at a friend's birthday party and your uncle was probably passed out drunk somewhere.

Who knows?

Who cares?

Certainly not you.

You pass a news stand and you take a glimpse at the headlines.

"THE REBELS ENTRY AND HIT" the headline read.

The Rebels?

The name sounded awfully familiar to you but you couldn't put your finger on the exact memory. You shrug it off thinking it to be something of your imagination.
Little did you know, a debuting kpop group would soon wreak havoc in your semi-peaceful life.


You are called to Yoongi's studio for a meeting. Apparently all the members were there. There wasn't a meeting scheduled so the sudden congregation confuses you.

You walk into the studio, ready to greet the 7 guys but you don't only see them. Pdnim, Aaliyah and even Mr Baek are there too.


You do a 90° bow to greet the senior men infront of you.

"Is everything okay," you ask noticing the slightly stressed expression painting their faces.

"Have you seen this?" Namjoon asks handing you a newspaper.

You take it from him amd you recognise the headline straight away. It was the same one about The Rebels.
You couldn't understand why a simple article caused a meeting to be held as well as cause distress to the people in front of you.

"Yeah, I did. Earlier today. Some new group debuted. The article didn't really interest me plus I was rushing to get here," you explain.

"You didn't read it?" Yoongi asks this time.

You nod your head in agreement.

"Read it," Namjoon instructs.

You read the article not feeling particularly interested in the information. But what did interest you was the unknown reason as to why it was of utmost importance for you to read the article.

Strange. You think again.

You read the article in your head, skimming for something possibly important.

The new boy group, The Rebels, have come knocking on our doors and hearts. Their debut single has reached the epitome of success as it hits number one on our charts in less than 3 days of being release. Heartstrings, the single, really does pull at the heartstrings. The melancholic music and soulful lyrics are nothing but heartfelt and there's no doubt that it was written by someone who knows what he or she is doing. If heartstrings is their debut song, I'm sure I'm speaking for most when I say, I can't wait for more songs from them.

Heartstrings? The song name sounds so familiar. But I've never heard their song before.

You continue skimming. Details of each of the five members are given and you read it briefly. You're about to ask what the point of you reading the article was when something catches your attention.

It isn't only a new start for the group themselves but it's also the entry of a new entertainment company, Star entertainment - owned by Kang Min Joon.

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