Chapter 9: Wild Wild Wild. When I'm with you all I get is wild thoughts

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Guys if you didn't know the chapter name is just song lyrics.

Also there's a slightly awkward scene that could be deemed as sexual. So just be mindful although I'm sure everybody can read it. It's not bad.


The first 4 hectic weeks had supposedly ended. You really hoped Mr Baek wasn't lying about that because you were going back to university today and you didn't know how well you'd be able to juggle a busy job, school work and your regular chores.

You're a bit calmer than you usually are because you know uncle Lee isn't at home. He won't be for two weeks. Which is a massive relief to you.

Your morning follows your regular routine. You still take Jun with you to work because he only has to be at school by 8.

You drop him off at Aaliyah's dorm which you learn is the one directly opposite bangtan's.

You unlock their dorm using the key they gave you for "emergencies". You open the door and notice the dorm isn't as dirty as it usually is.

Is it your birthday?

While scoping out the dorm deciding where you'll start first you don't notice the sleepy eyed boy walking out of his room. You collide with his chest and on impact slip backwards.

Expecting to hit the floor you close your eyes and shriek. You wait for a stinging pain that never comes. Opening one eye out of curiosity and then the other from surprise you see two beautifully brown eyes staring back at you. An edge of annoyance initially in them that slowly fades away.

You feel his cold fingertips gently gripping your waist. Touching the skin exposed from your shirt rising slightly. It sends electric shocks up your spine, a feeling you strangely enjoy. You realise your hands are firmly locked behind his neck as his hands hold you, preventing your fall.

This is the closest you've ever been to him. You were so close you were able to admire the beauty spot that adorned the skin just below his lower lip.

You glance back up to his eyes only to notice they're trained on your lips. Suddenly, his large brown eyes bore into your own making you feel more naked, more exposed, infront of him then you were physically a few days ago. As much as you want to pull away from the intense stare, you are unable to. Something about his eyes was notably alluring not allowing you to escape his gaze. It was as if they were black holes that you willingly were pulled into.

The urge to kiss him is overwhelming. But you control the feeling, not allowing it to make you act on your desire.

Slowly you're steadied on your feet yet you're unsure if you're floating as Jungkook's hands still firmly hold your waist. You no longer need support from him but his grip doesn't loosen. Your hands move from his neck to his shoulders which are bare like the rest of his torso.

Jungkook isn't wearing a shirt.

To look up at him takes a lot of effort because of the height difference. But you seem to forget the pain it brings to your neck as Jungkook leans his head foward. You see his pupils dilate so much so you barely see the brown irises. You close your eyes and stand there patiently.

Were you really going to give your first kiss to him?

"Morning World, your ray of sunshine is up and ready to start his day," Hoseok exclaims whilst bouncing out of his room stretching.

Who is that happy waking up?

His voice snaps you out of your daze. In your panic you push Jungkook away from you. But with a little too much force. He clearly didn't expect your vigorous push as he is unable to steady himself and he falls to the ground.

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