Chapter 33: Woah, You Look Like Crap.

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You wake up with more pain then you slept away with.
Which of course is just great.

During your shower, you inspect the very apparent bruise on your stomach. It would take days for it to go away but atleast it and the bruise on your wrist could be concealed with clothing. Your face was the real problem.
And this time it wasn't because of your general insecurities. You know that the bruises on your face are bad and you've been avoiding checking it.

When you - with much difficulty - come out the shower, you wrap yourself with a towel and you stand infront of the basin, where the mirror is. You wipe away the mist on the mirror and the sight you are met with leaves you a little shocked. You didn't think it was possible but you looked worse than you felt.

Maybe its because you developed an emotional resistance to the scarring or because your pain threshold has vastly improved over the years of abuse.

You look closely at the bruises on your face so that you could decide whether or not to use concealer and where to put it.
The hit to your head left a ghastly mark on the side of your forehead and there's a noticeble bruise on your cheek; almost like an imprint.
The bags under your eyes indicate your lack of good sleep.
In short, you look like a mess and you definitely needed to use makeup if you didn't want to be questioned by anyone.

After finishing all your chores you decide to actually put some effort into your appearance. And by effort you mean cover up the bruises.
But before you can do anything you receive a call.

"Yeoboseyo?" You answer.

"Good morning, Yn. I'm sorry for calling you so early but I need you to go to the boy's dorm right now. They need to be up in the next ten or so minutes. Their schedule changed unexpectedly and I forgot to tell you yesterday. But now their recording is moved to an earlier slot so they have to be ready like... now. I'm sorry for troubling you so early."

"Don't worry about it Pdnim. I'll sort it out. I'll leave now," you say ditching your decision of concealing your bruises.

There's no time for you to cover up your bruises because it takes longer than 10 minutes to reach the dorm building. You have to leave immediately. You would just come up with another excuse as to why you look the way you do.

You grab your things.
"Jun are you ready?" You ask walking into his room.

"Yes, Eomma."

"Okay, we have to go," you limp hastily to the front door so you can leave.

Once you get a cab and eventually arrive at the dorm, you attempt to run to the boys' dorm. You don't do too well because your limp slows you down. Your ankle hurts badly but you soldier on.

"Eomma, I know you're in a rush but be careful," Jun says with concern. It was still too early to drop him off at school so you messaged Aaliyah to do you a solid favour and drop him off a little later.

"I am. Don't worry. You can just wait in Aaliyah noona's dorm until it's time for you to go to school, okay?"

"Okay eomma."

Lucky for you, you remembered to bring your key for the dorm this time.
When you walk into the Bangtan dorm, Jun goes to Aaliyah's.

As you suspected, not a single soul is awake in the dorm besides you.

You know that waking everyone up would take a lot of effort but it's not like you've never done it before.

"Seokjin oppa, wake up," you try waking up the oldest first since he was generally the easiest to wake up.

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