Chapter 34: You're A Bunch Of No Good Failures

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Quick note, if you don't understand the whole wedding thing just refer to chapter 31.
Ps any questions with regards to the story feel free to ask. If some things seem outlandish, I'm sorry about that but in my defence it is fiction so that gives me fictional liscence *shrugs*

"Hey Yn. Wait up," You hear a familiar voice call out to you while you're walking to class. You stop and turn around to see a smiling Minho trying to catch up with you.

"Hey, Minho oppa," you greet when he reaches and stops infront of you.

"These are for you," he - to your surprise - hands you a small arrangement of flowers that he was holding behind his back.

"They're beautiful. But why are you giving me these?" You ask, accepting the flowers and taking in its scent.

"Hyung told me it was your birthday on Sunday and what type of Best friend would I be if I didn't get you a gift?"

"I see you've awarded yourself with a title. Nice."

"Well it's true otherwise you would've denied it," he points out and you prevent yourself from rolling your eyes.

"No. You just gave me a gift so I'm trying to spare your feelings, dimple boy. But on a serious note, thank you."

"I'm your best friend you don't need to thank me," he says making a dismissive gesture.

This time you can't stop yourself and you roll your eyes.

Minho throws his arm over your shoulder.
"So are you ready to find out whether or not we're invited to Prof Do's wedding?"

"I don't know. I mean I don't think I'll be able to handle the heartbreak of not going," you say in mock devastation.

"I get it. But let's see what fate has in store for us,"he says playing along.

You both walk into the lecture room laughing.

"Morning professor," you both pipe out in a cheery voice.

Professor Do, who's sitting at his desk, lifts his head up that was cradled in his hands moments ago.

"Morning students," he says.
"How have you been?"


"Good good. Take your seats."

A few more students walk in and Prof Do stands up.

"Quieten down. Everybody get to your seats. I have an announcement to make. "

The chattering of your classmates comes to a halt and everyone makes way to their seats so their full attention can be on the Professor's announcement.

"What's the announcement, Sir?" Sohee, a student, asks.

Professor Do looks at all of you with a scowl.
"You all are a bunch of no good failures. I am very disappointed in every single one of you." He shakes his head.

Some of the students have an expression of concern but you know your professor well enough to understand that there's something comical behind his ranting.

"Why, Sir?" The same brave student asks.

"Why? Why? I'll tell you why," Prof Do dramatically pauses before continuing.
"Not a single pair," he points his finger randomly at your classmates, "received a grade below 60 percent. All of you passed and that too, pretty well. You useless over-achievers." He shakes his head again.

Upon hearing his explanation there's a joint sigh of relief heard in the class.

"Yeah yeah. Be happy about passing. What about me huh? Now I have to find actual waiters. And pay them! This is just preposterous. All of you are just so selfish."
He sighs.
"All I asked for was 3 fails and did I get that? No. All I got was above average to excellent work. How disgusting."

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