Chapter 55:"Remember, I Told You About Him Last Time."

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"I'm going for a coffee run? Anyone want anything?" Jungkook announces, getting up from the seat he was occupying next to you.

"An iced green tea."

"Nothing for me."

"I don't want anything either...actually wait...I want a chicken katsu sandwich... and a brownie...and an a caramel frappe with oat milk. "

"Uhm...okay sure, Hyung," Jungkook says.

" I want an iced Americano."

"Same for me."


"Me too."

"A pumpkin spice latte for me. What? Can't a man enjoy seasonal beverages? Must he be judged for it?" Jimin says dramatically.

"I wasn't judging your taste in beverages. I was judging the drool you have on your face from your nap," Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Oh..." he wiped at his face quickly. "I want a donut too. The jam filled one. If it has sprinkles on it, I wouldn't complain..."

"Got it. Yn -"

"I should go instead," you interrupt, standing up. Even though it's been months since his injury healed you still want to be cautious. Also it is kind of your job to run errands.

"No. Stay," Jungkook says, gently pushing you back in your seat, in the middle, next to Aaliyah on the couch. " It's Sunday. If we get to be off the clock today, you should be able to be off the clock too. And you need to study," he points out.

You look ahead at your textbooks that are occupying plenty of space on the coffee table infront of you. You really should be spending all of your time studying for your exam tomorrow. Honestly you should be at home studying but you wanted to spend time with Aaliyah, Hani and the members too so you convinced yourself that you'd just study in the boys' dorm. It's been working so far. Everyone is busy doing their own thing while still keeping each other company. And you don't generally like complete silence when you're studying so the conversations in the background don't disturb you. But you know that if you really needed to block any sounds out you can just put your headphones on and listen to your study playlist.

Jungkook hasn't tried getting your attention once through your study session even though you know he probably wants it. Just like you want to give your attention to him.

He sat quietly next to you, playing some game on his phone and only spoke to you if you started the conversation or if he asked if you wanted anything, like now.
The fact that he places so much importance on what you find important and is putting in effort to not distract you in anyway is a really sweet gesture. Even if it seems small or obvious it feels special because not everyone is that considerate or thoughtful.

And even with the minimal talking between the two of you, it doesn't feel awkward or strange.
The moments together don't feel less special because of the silence.
It's like just having each other's company is enough for the both of you. And truly it is. Just knowing he's next to you is comforting and heart fluttering. And you're certain he feels the same.

Aside from Imo, nobody else knows about your relationship yet but you figured you would tell them soon enough. It's less that you're hiding it and more that you keep forgetting to say something and then when you realise it, you wait for the right moment to tell the truth but the right moment doesn't seem to crop up.

But you'll bring it up to Jungkook soon enough so the both of you can settle on a day to tell everyone about the new relationship between you and him. He hasn't mentioned it since the day in the hospital because he's left it to you to decide when you're comfortable enough. And the two of you have tried to be discrete about affections and gestures. There have been a couple close calls but nothing particularly...incriminating...
You think.

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