Character Info(Prologue)

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Name: Yoru

Current Age: 11 (for reference: same age as Itachi meaning five years older than Team 7)

Family: None??

Birthday: Unknown

Background: An experiment subject of Orochimaru. He was attempting his first few human experiments and managed to create the Sharingans and the Byakugans into someone who is not in the Uchiha or Hyuga clan. He's been experimenting on Yoru since she was "born". He -----------------------------------------------------------. Orochimaru was "nice" to Yoru but his experiments were too much to bear for her (or she just got tired of Orochimaru and herself as an experiment subject). 

Looks: Short and messy black hair with red eyes (imagine blood-red byakugans) and ghostly pale skin. Likes to wear black.

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Personality: Eccentric, different. She understands that she's a monster but hates it when other people call her that. Doesn't lie to others because she doesn't understand why people should, also because ———————————. Has a sharp tongue and insults people even when she is just expressing her actual, genuine thoughts. Has a lust for blood and killing because of the influence of her childhood (also known as a Sadist). She HATES when people call her an experiment subject or talks about Orochimaru. She relies mainly on herself and is strong enough to take on most people without getting seriously wounded.

Ability: Dojutsu that combines byakugans with sharingans meaning she has the ability of both. Super strong at ninjutsu and genjutsu but not so much taijutsu. She has lots of Chakra but her body is not able to keep up with all of it. May fall unconscious because of a too long battle. The flaw in her eyes is she might go temporarily blind (at most a week, usually one day or half a day) after overuse of her dojutsu. Has three chakra natures, wind, lightning and earth, and can use them all skillfully (she is capable of learning other chakra natures and is completely fine with knowing some awesome new Justus). She knows how to use jutsus with minimal or no hand signs and has several of her own jutsu she made up that combines her chakra natures. She is considerably fast and she uses her wind chakra nature to boost herself while running (almost like flying except she needs to touch the ground once in a while).

 She is considerably fast and she uses her wind chakra nature to boost herself while running (almost like flying except she needs to touch the ground once in a while)

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(BTW, this prologue thing is just for reference cause things might change and this is basically the temporary status of Yoru just so you get the main idea.)

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