Part 47 ∞∞∞ I refuse

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I bolted up from the ground and looked around. It was morning.

She deserves to die... so, kill her.


Four years... then, your death will come and greet you.


Its okay to be afraid... after all, *** *** ***** ** ***

"NO...!" I yelled at the voice inside my head and something shuffled on my left side. I whirled around and looked at the boyish-looking puppet resting on the ground. His blood red hair dangled down slightly and his pale skin reflected the morning light.

"Sasori..." I instantly lowered my voice and whispered. I looked at him but he didn't stir otherwise. He seemed so peaceful that I couldn't stop myself as I reached out to touch his hair. It definitely needed a trimming soon but I doubt Sasori would care. There are more important things for him to do. I traced my fingers down onto his face and paused there. It feels almost like skin... except for the cold and empty feeling to it. But I suppose people like us can't make it any better... After all... we have to be heartless.

"You should keep your heart," I whispered into his ear and he shifted but didn't seem to wake up or hear me. I never knew Sasori slept... or ate... but I suppose he's still partly human.

I looked around the cave and noted Deidara's funky sleep pose. His hand was stuck up in an awkward angle and he was drooling all over his Akatsuki cloak which ended up underneath him. I sighed and gazed at the remaining flickers of the flame set up last night. It's a miracle that the flame is still, in some sense, burning. I walked over, took a quick sniff of the burnt wood, and crinkled my nose. No mistake, Sasori mixed dove bladder in with oil to light the fire. Could've just called me to do a katon or something. I thought bitterly as I tried to get the scent out of my nostrils.

I quickly escaped the ill-smelling cave and leaped up onto a tree outside. The sun had risen about an hour ago but already warmed up the air a little. I wonder what Zetsu has been doing all this time. I thought and rolled my eyes. Leader probably gave him some other work to do. But it does get lonely sometimes without Zetsu. Not that I especially care but... it is nice to talk to someone.

"Uchiha Itachi."

Zetsu's words rang into my ears once again and I gave the innocent tree a punch. It trembled and a group of birds set flight from the forest floor, alarmed.

"There's no way I can kill Itachi..." I muttered and turned around, preparing to wake up Sasori and Deidara for the day, but froze. A smirk found it's way to my face as I found myself face to face with Uchiha Madara.

"I thought you went missing. Haven't seen you for... around two years, right?" I said to Madara lightly whose crimson eye was burning into mine. But I can still recognize you with that mask anywhere.

"You need to be more careful. I had plenty of time to slit your throat." Madara commented without emotion and I smirked. He heard me.

"But you didn't, that's what truly matters." I spat and continued to stare at him. Nothing changed about him at all. Does he even age? I suppose he should be a hundred or so years old... Immortality like Orochimaru? But definitely something more advanced.

"Oh... I didn't think you'd want to experience that utter lost once again." Madara retorted with a mock surprise tone and I narrowed my eyes.

"If you're here to trick me into telling you something, it's not going to work," I warned him but he only laughed coldly.

"I already know what happened in Orochimaru's base. Therefore, I'm here only with an offer, not threat. Of course, that's because you're still of some use." Madara taunted, holding my stare and throwing it back at me.

"I refuse," I denied simply but Madara didn't seem surprised.

"Even if it involves killing Orochimaru and Yoru?" He lured. I hesitated before telling the truth.

"I'll consider," I grunted. I can feel myself somehow losing.

"Kill Uchiha Itachi," Madara said and completely broke his chances of winning me over.

"Ha!? Is this some joke?! I thought you already heard me." I laughed coldly with an are-you-mentally-disturbed look on my face.

"Killing Itachi and gaining the Mangyekyo Sharingan for the life of Orochimaru and Yoru. I find that a good deal." Madara continued but I wasn't listening. I wasn't looking at him either. I didn't even bother to ask why he knows about me wanting the Mangyekyo Sharingan.

"Sasori, what are you doing?" I said to the red-haired boy standing at the opening of the cave, gazing at Madara. Sasori didn't respond to me, and instead, turned back around and walked into the cave. Madara turned and looked at the cave.

"Sasori of the Red Sand and Deidara. Both with their own opinions on art... a good pair I chose, yes?" Madara asked with a smile plastered on his face behind the mask and I rolled my eyes. Why doesn't he look fazed? Sasori clearly heard the conversation.

"So? Do you take the offer?" Madara prompted again and I looked at his orange mask.

"You'll see my answer when I make the decision anyway." I spat and jumped back towards the cave. Just as I was going to pass Madara, he stuck his hand out, motioning for me to stop. I stared at him and waited for what he was going to say or do.

"If you don't want to choose Itachi, I'm sure Zetsu or Kakashi will do as well," Madara whispered gently and I could feel the irk marks on my head. Finally, Madara seemed to see them too and lifted his hand. I took a step forward but remembered something I wanted to ask since joining Akatsuki.

"Does everyone even know you exist?" I asked without looking at Madara and waited. He didn't give an answer. Of course. He's already gone. I thought as I turned to gaze at the empty space next to me.

"Kakashi... hm? You sure did thorough research..." I muttered.

Thinking about that... I haven't been back in Konoha for two years... I wonder if...

With that thought, I walked back into the cave to face Sasori. He stood there looking at me. I waited for the long conversation and questioning but it didn't come. He merely turned back around and kicked Deidara awake. I watched as Sasori poofed back into his giant ugly puppet form as a dull vibration filled my brain.

"What...?! did something happen?" Deidara asked groggily as he sat up from his corner, his hair was all messed up and stuck up at odd angles. His golden hair fluttered in the morning winter breeze and I suddenly remembered the boy. Uzumaki Naruto...

The Nine-Tails.

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