Part 22 ∞∞∞ "Uchiha Madara"

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I turned around and looked at the masked man standing in front of me. Do I? I suppose everyone has emotions. But, he understood what I meant...

"Who are you?" I asked, narrowing my eyes and he laughed. He has a deep, male, voice full of... sadness and craze. I suppose that's the best way to describe it.

 I suppose that's the best way to describe it

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"I am Uchiha Madara. I believe you know of me." He answered and I lifted an eyebrow.

"You're not Uchiha Madara," I said and challenged him to argue with me.

"That is up to you to believe." The man said and I smirked.

"I don't know what about you made Itachi believe you could be Uchiha Madara. Except for, maybe, the craze and darkness in your chakra, you're just another random fellow bragging about yourself." I said and I could feel the man getting annoyed.

"I believe you have heard about Akatsuki." He said and I laughed.

"That "secret" society "you" formed. I can't believe Itachi would decide to go with someone like you." I said and the man chuckled again.

"Let's duel." He offered suddenly and I smiled. So straightforward.

"Sure, I was thinking about that too~," I said tauntingly as I felt the excitement of beating him up fill my mind.

"Should it be a death duel?" He asked and I lifted my lips a little.

"If you win, I'll do what you want me to do and believe you are Madara. But if I win, I'll kill you." I said and I could feel the man's chakra spike up in anticipation.

"Three." He began counting down immediately and I laughed, casually sliding out my precious sword. So eager for battle as well.

"Two." It's been a while since I drew blood. I thought as I gently touched the blade of my sword.

"One." I wonder how much blood I will draw this time. I thought as I launched myself towards the man.

The man didn't move and I looked around, making sure there were no traps before plunging my sword into his head. Except for the fact that the sword, and me, passed through the man like mist.

"Hah...!" The man let out a short laugh and I let my eyes burn crimson. I'll teach him who's stronger.

I whirled around again and stood still, observing the man. He only stood there, not even turning around to face me.

"Arrogant," I said and the man laughed coldly again.

"Because I know I am stronger." He said and turned to face me while stepping towards me. I stretched out my hands and let loose the chakra inside me. A huge wind slashed through the forest and engulfed the man. I activated my byakugan and looked through the wind, tracking the man's movement. Surprisingly, he was still steadily walking towards me. I looked at his chakra circuit and was surprised to discover that half of his body seems to be made of a different material. A living material... I thought and jumped on top of a tree behind me. I looked around, taking my eyes off the man to readjust to the surrounding, the landscape was just as I wanted.

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