Part 51 ∞∞∞ I'll be waiting

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I gazed silently at the small apartment room and smiled a little. It reminded me of mine, although slightly bigger. I could hear the boy's voice talking to himself even through the window and wall. There wasn't much doubt about what he was talking about.


I smiled sourly as I continued to listen to his monologue. The innocence of children. That has always been something I had never quite understood. I waited until the voice gradually died down to jump down from the roof to the door of Uzumaki Naruto's home. I hovered my hands over the handle and considered if I should knock. However, Naruto saved me from that decision. He opened the door and almost walked into me. He peered up at me. Confusion, surprise, then excitement filled his huge blue eyes.

"You're that girl from two years ago!" He shouted loudly and I gave him a small laugh. He looked so tiny, so fragile...

" hunt down the tailed beasts."

I tensed slightly and sighed. Naruto seemed excited enough and pulled me by my hand into his room. His eyes were almost glittering. To be honest, they were so beautiful. His parents must have been beautiful people as well.

" hunt down the tailed beasts."

Why did I even come here? I thought to myself bitterly as I ruffled his hair, trying to block out Pein's image inside my head. I smiled slightly as he plopped down onto his bed, looking at me with this eager look.

"Are you here to play? I haven't seen you for suuuuuuch a long time~" Naruto said mischievously and I smiled. He's so cute...

" hunt down the tailed beasts."

"How have you been?" I asked casually and he started bouncing up and down.

"Really great! I'm going to be graduating academy in two years! Then I'll be an awesome shinobi like you are, but better! I'll be the HOKAGE!!! HAHAHA!!! Then even Sasuke will bow before me!!!" Naruto squealed and I clapped enthusiastically.

" hunt down the tailed beasts."

"When do you think you can become the Hokage?" I asked and Naruto thought about it for a second before replying.

"When I'm 16! I'll be the youngest Hokage ever! First I'll graduate and become genin. Then, with my talent, I can become chunin and jonin in two years! Then... then, I'll win over everyone and gang up on Sasuke! Heheh~ Then I can finally be Hokage~"

" hunt down the tailed beasts."

I gulped slightly as Pein's voice continued to echo through my brain. I looked down at the excitement and hyperactive child. How can I kill this child... this child who has a dream for when he will turn 16. No... how can I watch other people kill this child knowing that I can prevent it? A child who has a purpose, a destiny, a future. I looked down and laughed at myself. Haven't I killed as many children as adults? How many out of the hundreds would have had a purpose, a goal like Naruto? How many dreams... how many families, how many lives have I shattered?

"I hope you'll become the Hokage," I said quietly and Naruto stopped bouncing. He looked at me, his eyes trembling slightly in gratitude.

"I'll show you! The day when I become Hokage!" He promised and stuck up his pinky towards me. I looked at his finger stretched out my hands.

"That promise... you'll just have to show me, okay?" I said as I closed his hands into a fist and raised it above his head.

" hunt down the tailed beasts."

The piercing in my heart was alien. I refused to acknowledge it as I let go of Naruto's hand slowly and his fist fell back to his side.

"Okay! Um... what is your name, again?" Naruto asked with a bright smile and I hesitated. My name?

"I'll tell you when you become Hokage," I whispered and turned around, staring at the empty wall. Akira seems like a nice name... Light...

"That's unfair!" Naruto complained and started jumping around the room, shouting "unfair" and "cheater". I looked at the slightly ajar door and walked toward it. I can hear Naruto settling down behind me, realizing I was about to leave.

"I'll see you next time okay?" I turned and smiled tightly, trying very hard to keep the uplift to my lips. Naruto nodded silently and I walked out of the door. I could hear his footsteps pounding towards me from behind. I quickly body flicked up to the roof and stood there silently.

"You'll have to be there when I become Hokage, OKAY?"

I halted when Naruto's voice echoed from below me and I smirked.

"Of course," I muttered and turned away, jumping through the village to my last destination.

"I'll show you! The day when I become Hokage!"

I'll be waiting, Uzumaki Naruto.


Sorry I haven't been updating that often now. School is getting busier so I might just update once a week. Also, I'm already writing the ending of Survival I, btw. You guys can look forward to the ending of Book one soon.

Like I said before, I'm preparing to write a Book II so also be prepared for that <3



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