Part 54 ∞∞∞ Snow

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The dull night pressed onto my skin as I tried to ignore the empty feeling inside

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The dull night pressed onto my skin as I tried to ignore the empty feeling inside. How was it different from a normal night? Why do I feel so numb...? Those are questions I can't answer.

But, everything will be better if I kill her.

Those thoughts echoed around my mind, taking up every cell, every organ, filling my breath with its bitter taste.

I'll kill her.

I will.

I promise.

I don't lie.

The moment Orochimaru showed me her, her fate is sealed.

I touched the hilt of my sword out of instinct and I caressed it. My baby...

"Yoru. What are you doing? We have to leave now." Kabuto snapped at me as I stared at the pure black metal. It glinted back at me, almost luring me to pick it up. It was beautiful...

"YORU!" Kabuto shouted, turning back and grabbing my wrist, pulling me away from the beautiful... beautiful... creature. I ripped my hands off and almost tripped on the body of the old man who had guarded this metal. I tore off the glass covering and grabbed the metal. It was boiling hot.

I screamed as my skin peeled off and I held my hand in agony, staring at the metal. It seemed to be pulling me forwards yet rejecting me...

"Yoru, I won't stand for this! Orochimaru-sama will not be pleased if he sees your stubbornness." Kabuto snapped but he was hesitant as he looked at my expression. Lust. Hate. Desire. Maybe it would be alright to have her take that piece of lumpy metal. Kabuto watched as I stepped forward and reached for the metal again. It glinted dangerously but I still clasped it firmly.

The flames erupted onto my hand and crawled up my arm, into my nerves, through my very essence. They all screamed at me to let go but I didn't. Couldn't. How could I let this gorgeous creature go? I could feel the blood dripping onto the smooth surface of it.

Don't taint it with your ugly hands, I told my self and rushed out of the cottage, pushing Kabuto out of the way. The weight of the metal seemed to lighten a little and the flame seemed to extinguish as I tried to run as fast as I could, back to the base where I can tuck it safely under my bed. It was so beautiful... so black... like you can sink your flesh into its sides. Through the milky blackness...

I snapped out of the trance as I caught a familiar scent.

"That stinky snake." I cursed as I walked past graveyards and graveyards of dead bodies, decaying in the middle of nowhere, letting off that rotten stench. I looked at a body as I walked past it, separate from the others. One of his damp and rotten hands were clasping a long katana, that, however, had been tainted and eaten by poison. His eye was still open, gazing into eternal hell.

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