After Word

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Hi everyone. It's me, the author. This is just some words and thoughts from me after finishing Survival I.

I really enjoyed the whole process of thinking up my OC and writing all this. To be honest, I really hope this world I created would never end. So this is part of the reason as to why I decided on a Survival II. I really hope to see all of you there as well whenever I decide to start posting it. <3. I didn't expect the ending of Survival I to come this quickly but I've been writing faster than I thought I could. Now, finally, I can mark this completed and do some pure editing to make the content more intense.

I really love you all readers and I want to thank @Zivixloves   for being there since the very very start. Thank you to everyone that voted and read Survival, I really hope you'll have a nice day because of reading my fanfic.

Survival II will be back in around November, please look forward to it!!!! (I mean you can follow me... maybe... to catch up on all the news... you know... just a suggestion... cough... I only have 13 followers... T-T... maybe?)


Survival (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now