Part 9 ∞∞∞ What is Uchiha Sasuke supposed to be

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I was excused (more like forcefully threatened away) from their practice that day and was stuffed in some small apartment room to live in. I stared up at the ceiling and wondered what in the world I got myself into. It is near sunset and I still have like.... about 6 hours before I can fall asleep?

"AHHHHHHHHH STOP CHASING ME!!!" A voice crashed through my serenity and I jumped up from the little bed I was given.

"STOP! COME BACK YOU LITTLE!" Another voice called and I looked out the window. It was the blonde hair boy I had seen like... one day ago? I held back a laugh and hurried out of my room and looked like a few Konoha shinobi chasing the blonde haired boy (I think called Naruto?). He continued jumping all around the rooftops and didn't even pause as he almost fell off the roof. Konohagakure people are weird... I thought (and since I'm already out of my room, why not just walk around Konoha for a bit...).

I walked around the streets and gazed at everything basically in wonder. There was a cool mask shop, there was this "fire" building, there was this food place, there was this dessert place, and a lot of other cool stuff I've never seen before.

Suddenly something really weird and stupid hit me. Why isn't the Anbu or the Hokage keeping an eye on me? Why am I, a killer, an unidentified person, allowed to be in Konoha anyways??? I suppose Konohakagure people are really stupid... I thought and snickered a little.

"Itachi, I haven't seen you for a while!" A female voice said from a shop I was passing by.

I laughed silently at my chance of meeting Uchiha Itachi and slipped beside the entrance of the shop and listened to their conversation

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I laughed silently at my chance of meeting Uchiha Itachi and slipped beside the entrance of the shop and listened to their conversation.

"My Anbu work has been busy recently." I heard Itachi say and smirked even more.

"Itachi won't even play with me anymore~" A young voice said from inside the shop also.

"Haha, Sasuke, once you grow to the age of Itachi-kun, you'll understand." The shop owner answered the little voice called Sasuke.

"Sasuke, don't worry you'll be like Itachi soon." Another voice said happily.

"Humph." I heard him pout and wondered what in the world this Sasuke is.

"We should be leaving now. Thank you for your hospitality." Itachi suddenly said and I heard a few benches scraping the floor as they stood up. I quickly ducked aside and held my laughter as I felt Itachi, Sasuke, and this other dude walk past me.

"Niisan~ Do you need to do village stuff again...?" The small and whining Sasuke said as they walked away. I didn't even bother hearing Itachi's answer and ran away, laughing so hard I felt like dying.

 I didn't even bother hearing Itachi's answer and ran away, laughing so hard I felt like dying

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I'll definitely laugh at him tomorrow. I thought as I walked to some random place, I don't know where. Suddenly, I halted in my steps. Am I already accustomed to this life? I questioned myself and looked up at the four heads on the cliff again.

"Yo." A voice called from behind me and I whirled around with my fists (Don't judge... no kunai... no shuriken... no sword... and not even a katana...). I rolled my eyes when I saw Kakashi.

"What do you want?" I complained and continued walking, ignoring Kakashi even when he followed me.

"I have something for you." He said and I stopped.

"You're kidding?" I asked and turned onto him, my eyes skeptical.

"Your sword." He answered and took it out from behind his back. I widened my eyes happily and grabbed it from Kakashi hugging it like a baby (Well... it is my baby so...).

"Come to practice tomorrow sunrise. I won't be there but Itachi will help you." He said and turned back around and left.

Did I seriously think he was going to give me a gift? I laughed at myself for my stupidity and looked down at my sword. It was definitely polished. I clicked my tongue and walked towards the four big heads. What are they playing at?

 What are they playing at?

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*Time Skip*


Almost midnight... Can't sleep... well... more like can't find my way back "home"... But still not sleepy... Somehow, I feel like training and... killing? I had walked around Konoha for a LONG TIME, past a bunch of buildings and even managed to trace Itachi's chakra to his home. Then tried to trace Kakashi but he wasn't in the village. Then tried to find the Hokage and ended up getting kicked out of a red "fire" building.

I had walked around the almost silent village and almost fell asleep while leaning on a wall to rest. Now, I'm sitting on the roof of the big red building having tea (like literally). I played with my sword and sighed in boredom. When is this going to end...


Really sorry for this short and half-hearted part. There is like no importance of this part... so REALLY SORRY. I don't have a lot of time recently but I'll try to update!


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