Part 29 ∞∞∞ Hyuga

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"I'm going to go help the Hokage with village business. After the Uchiha thing, much more work has been assigned. Help yourself to breakfast if you want, there are eggs and milk in the fridge.

(And also, yes I actually eat. I just know you would ask that.)

You might want to train a little. Your punches were getting sloppy.

Sincerely, your best-best-best-best-best teammate ever.

Hatake Kakashi "Taichou"

I looked down at the scribbled note in my hands and laughed. Since when did Kakashi pick up humour? I thought and read the note over and over again. Help yourself to breakfast? Sounds soooo not him. I noted and tried not to laugh too hard. But he actually does eat? I wondered and laughed again at how good of a prophecy teller he is.

"I will help myself to breakfast, Kakashi Taichou." I said to myself merrily and walked over to the kitchen area. But... the Uchiha thing... does he still not fully take in it? I suppose I'm the only one that can stay calm with the massacre. But when I opened the fridge, what was in there amazed me so much, anything else flew out of my head.

"OMG THERE'S ACTUAL FOOD!!!" I yelled in excitement and took out all the fancy food stuff I never can afford to buy (The stupid old man insists on giving me "allowance" each month... like... literally enough money to buy 120 packs of ramen and nothing else. And 120 packs of ramen is minimum to my survival so... ramen for me for two years straight.)

I quickly swallowed up most of Kakashi's fridge and headed outside. But, there was something I just HAD to do before leaving someone else's home.

Decorate it.

I mean who doesn't love decorating! (I hate decorating) It's always such a fun to do with people's homes (I do it to annoy people). To make their home nice and snuggly (To make them hate their home and never come back again).


I looked at my finished work proudly and finally decided to place the tomatoes near the entrance of the house (on the ground of course so he can step on it). I say again, I don't have money, so I used things from Kakashi's drawers and fridge. There was just the right amount. I leaned on the wall and eyed the sofa sticking at an odd angle out of Kakashi bedroom and sighed. It would have been perfect if the sofa fits through the door and could be placed on top of the bed but the sofa got stuck halfway. Kakashi will deal with it. I decided and jumped out of the window (the door was blocked with the table...).

"Oh, pleasant~" I muttered to myself as I jumped around Konoha, the bad mood from yesterday gone with the sleep.

"Wait a moment..." I said to myself as I came to a halt, realizing my mistake. I had been so pissed yesterday I didn't clean up the training ground. And if anyone finds it... I might have to pay for their mental health recovery money... I thought and tensed. I need to get to that training ground. Quick.

I darted through the village and arrived pretty quickly (as fast as I could without actual teleportation skills like Madara *eye roll*). The training ground stunk of blood and flesh and the bodies still lay there. Everything was the same and untouched. Except for the boy standing in the middle of the bloodshed. Crap. I thought and sighed. At least it's just a boy. I told myself and walked towards him.

"Did you do this?" The boy asked me quietly just as I was kneeling down to examine Yura's body. I ignored the boy and continued my work.

"I'm asking you a question." The boy said sternly and I looked up.

"Who taught you to be sassy?" I asked him back and the boy narrowed his... white eyes at me.

"Hyuga?" I asked after a while of silence and the boy gave a little humph. He was probably only around 8 or 9. Almost same as Naruto. Well, except for that crappy attitude and that (I have to admit) talent. I thought and rolled my eyes.

"What? You got a problem with that?" The boy said defensively and I thought about it.

"Sort of, yea," I said and I saw the boy's fists clench.

"Are you one of those older kids in the academy? Who thinks their strong because everyone likes them. Cause I bet no one likes you." The boy said and I laughed.

"People like me? No way. Also, I'm not interested in your child's play in the Academy unless its related to Uzumaki Naruto." I said, made sure the message was clear and kneeled down beside Yura's body again.

"Well, also Uchiha Sasuke I suppose." I added after an thought and nodded at the boy again, who was still standing there looking at me with this dissatisfied look.

"So you did it?" The boy asked again after a while and I took in a deep breath.

"Listen here, Hyuga boy or whatever your name is," I started to say and the boy said "Neji" quickly, cutting through my sentence.

"Well, NEJI. I don't want any business with you so go away, thank you and your welcome. But, if you're one of those kids that ask why, like Naruto, then the longer explanation is I don't want to pay for your mental health bills and I don't want to deal with you exposing murder and me being more pissed than yesterday. Got it? BYE." I snapped at the boy and turned back to work. 

To be honest, I would most gladly fight with a little kid and punch him up than clean up corpses but I sort of made these corpses so... they're kind of my responsibly. But still, not like I care either way.

"I can help you. I have byakugans." Neji said and started to walk towards me but I set up a windshield around me and Neji walked into it, bashed his head, held his head, fell to the ground, and sat there. Like byakugans can help me cleaning up corpses...

"Weak. Expected more of a Hyuga." I muttered and Neji heard me (I wonder why *smirks*). He stood up and walked towards the windshield again, except with his hands outstretched. Stupid kid. I thought again and lessened the windshield a little so I don't accidentally make him cry by bashing into the shield too much. Except, then he did something I didn't expect. He started hitting the shield with his hands. Gentle Fist... Never seen it in person before... I watched him and noted how the layer of chakra covering his hands looked like a chakra scalpel. I also noted how the shield was sort of bending where Neji hit it.

"If I let you in, would you teach me that?" I asked and Neji looked up.

"You need the byakugans for it, and it's more or less a family secret," Neji responded calmly and I sighed.

"But you can break the rules, right?" I pressed on and Neji thought about it for a moment before shaking his head.

"You'll need the Byakugans either way so that's a..." He tried to say but I shushed him in annoyance.

"I have byakugans." I said and Neji looked at me.

"Are you a branch family off of the Hyuga clan? Half breed?" Neji asked and I smirked.

"No, I just have byakugans implanted in me," I answered and Neji looked confused for a moment before tensing.

"That's against the rules. How exactly did you get those byakugans?" Neji demanded and I dropped the windshield, walking towards him.

"Well, you see, I was the subject of some experiment thing and got these babies," I answered with a coo to my voice and Neji crinkled his nose in (I suppose I can say) disgust.

"I suppose that is a reasonable explanation... However, I would still want to invite you to the Hyuga place and see the Hyuga's head of the family." Neji said with an edge to his voice and I laughed.

"Sure, maybe I'll even get to learn the Gentle Fist," I said and looked down at Neji, who looked soooooo tiny and cute.

"Follow me," Neji said with a commanding voice and I threw my hands up in amusement.

"Okay, okay," I muttered with a smile and followed Neji away from the training ground.

Later that day I realized I still didn't clean up the training ground but when I arrived again, I found Kakashi there with an unpleasant expression on his face and a clean training ground. He's always reliable when related to cleaning. (But that's a story for later on ^-^)

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