Part 24 ∞∞∞ You're not my master. Shut the f*** up.

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I watched as Uchiha Madara sat on the huge tree stump on the border of the Land of Fire. I can't exactly describe how I got here but Madara told me to hold onto his sleeve and when I realized it again, I was standing there, on the border of the Land of Fire, which is like... around a day's journey away? (I'm bad at geography...) Apparently, we were waiting for someone to come and he'll show me the person I might like to meet (I'm just curious and it doesn't matter to me either way if I see him or not so... why not?).

"Do you think you'll be ready to come to Akatsuki now?" Uchiha Madara suddenly said and I looked at him.

"I'm ready anytime. Like... it doesn't matter to me. Not really..." I said and shrugged, which made Madara chuckled again.

"You know, you sound pretty disgusting when you laugh. Just... fyi..." I muttered and Madara laughed even more.

"I never thought I'd meet you. You know... It's not like I really think you're Madara, but close enough. At least I'd never thought of meeting a fake Madara as well. That never really bothered me, you know." I said, trying to start a normal conversation with Madara and probably failing, a lot.

"Remember your promise?" Madara reminded and I rolled my eyes.

"Yea, yea. I believe you are Uchiha Madara. But I really don't. Got it." I answered sarcastically and the two of us fell into awkward silence again.

"Do you care to tell me about your childhood. Like, how you became this dark, evil person?" I asked and Madara chuckled once again.

"You should tell me about your childhood before I tell you." He said and I laughed.

"I didn't really have a childhood," I said as I remembered Orochimaru.

"Why?" Madara asked and I laughed awkwardly.

"Well, I... was more a less an item... a tool? An experiment. I was treated pretty much grown up, I suppose. Kind of like Itachi. But maybe with a little fewer people and clan and family..." I said as I looked at Madara's crimson eye glowing through his mask.

"Why is she here?" Itachi's voice suddenly said from behind me and I swear, if I was drinking water, I'd spray it all over Madara.

"We were waiting for him?" I asked, annoyed and rolled my eyes. "Never thought I'd meet him again."

"Did you take care of that little annoyance?" Madara asked, suddenly more threatening and serious than before. Itachi silently nodded and I wondered who they killed.

"Sugaru." Itachi said, as though if reading my mind, and I let out a little "oh". The wind that had been blowing since I arrived picked up its speed and I almost struggled to stay standing upright.

"So then, what will you do?" Madara asked Itachi and I looked at him.

"I'm an S-ranked criminal. No matter where I go, people will be after me." Itachi said and I burst out laughing.

"You're an S-ranked criminal? But... you only... killed the clan?" I said as I struggled for breath but Itachi and Madara just looked at me.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly and coughed. But Itachi as an S-ranked criminal? I can kill him, probably, easily now and I'll be some hero? I thought and smiled at the thought.

"I'll introduce you to a truly interesting man. And this is also why Yoru is here." Madara said and looked at an empty space of air.

"Right, call him," Madara said to the air and I hid my laughter. "It's been a while, hm? There's just someone I want you to meet. Right. Oh, go through Pein, and send your chakra here. Align your chakra with Pein." Madara said and looked up at me and Itachi.

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