Part 38 ∞∞∞ You're Pathetic

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I walked behind Hidan who was bombing Kakuzu with complaints about how he was forced down the mountain and thought about Kakashi. What if he recognized me? He did suspect of me... He would know I'm being a, according to him, serial killer. Does he know about Akatsuki yet? We've been staying low profile for the past year... If I don't appear soon back at Konoha, would he suspect...? But Itachi's here as well... he never truly accepted the truth about Itachi either... would he accept me as a criminal? Would I be his enemy then? Am I already his enemy?

"YORU!" Hidan called and I stared at him in irritation.

"What?" I snapped back and he rolled his eyes.

"Uhhh, really? Orochimaru is here and you just walked right pa—" Hidan started to say but I punched him into a tree when he said Orochimaru and I never heard the rest of his speech. But what he said was enough for me to know what's going on.

"OROCHIMARU!" I yelled turning around and facing the smirking s***head.

"I hope you've missed me, Yoru. I would like to have a conversation with her, alone." Orochimaru greeted me then said to Kakuzu who grunted and left, carrying yelling Hidan. I stared at Kakuzu as he disappeared. Did he seriously just dump me with OROCHIMARU?????

"Zetsu..." I said warningly turned and looked at the plant. Except he wasn't there anymore. I could feel the irk marks growing over my forehead.

"Now that we are alone—" Orochimaru started to say but I gave him a punch as a greeting. As expected of him, his snakes protected him from the physical damage but Orochimaru himself was pushed back a few inches.

"Now, now. I'm not here to fight. I just want to invite you back to your home. Or, I just want to bring you home." Orochimaru said and I smirked emotionlessly.

"Even Konohagakure is more of a home to me than your dark, soulless, base." I spat at him and he laughed his creaking laugh and I crunched my brows together in disgust.

"I have a village now, Yoru. The Hidden Sound. Although I have only begun to work on it, it's becoming very successful. If you return, I'll let you—" Orochimaru said but I cut him off again.

"I don't want to be anything in your stupid village. Also, when have you fallen so low as to ask me for help? Haven't you ended your wishes with me already? If you were so stupid to still cling on to hope, which in itself you seemingly cannot feel, you should end it right about now because there is no way I would go with you. None." I snapped at him and turned to leave. I wasn't in the condition and the mood to deal with Orochimaru. Using genjutsu to trick Kakashi was already enough effort for my eyes, I don't think I can start a fight with Orochimaru and win, especially right now.

"Like I said before, don't you want to know about the operation? Don't you want to know how I control your body? How I made your body? Where you came from? How that although I left the village 6 years ago, I still raised you for 10 years? Don't you want to know?" Orochimaru asked, his smile getting bigger at the moment.

"You disgust me. I'll find out for myself. I don't need someone like you to tell me." I said coldly and Orochimaru chuckled yet again.

"Yoru, I control more of you than you think." Orochimaru said and I turned towards him, stalked to directly in front of him and stared.

"Like what?" I asked my face inches from his. At this point, I didn't care anymore that "it was dangerous" or "you can die". I just don't care anymore.

"Like this." He said, chuckling, as a piercing pain ripped through my chest. I widened my eyes in pain and stepped back slightly. I remained standing upright but I couldn't hold it for long. It was agonizing.

"Heh, hehe, hehehe. I haven't done this for quite a while... I have almost forgotten how to." Orochimaru said as he walked towards me. I stepped back a little but my legs gave up on me and I fell to the ground, holding my chest. Impossible. It's impossible. If he can control me, why didn't he prevent me from leaving that night? Why didn't he take my body years ago? Was it because he wanted Itachi more? Impossible...

"How the tides turn... That liquid in you. It never left or disappeared. It had always been in you. Do you want to know what it is? It's made up of my chakra... I can control it with almost perfect precision.. HEHEHE... And all of it currently lies inside your heart... Haven't you always wondered if you have a heart or not? Now you know... the pain is telling you... You're part of me Yoru...! Now it's time to return home...~" Orochimaru whispered in a craze as he turned into his white snake form and slithered towards me. I stretched out my hands and formed a weak windshield which sizzled constantly, threatening to break down. The pain didn't stop. It's like I'm rotting on the inside...

Maybe I already am...

With a giant crackling sound, the shield broke down like it's been shredded and I looked up at Orochimaru in his snake form. Disgusting. Repulsive. I thought as he slithered towards me, his eyes gleaming with lust. Am I... going to go back to where I started? I thought as smaller snakes crawled out from behind Orochimaru and wrapped themselves around my arms and legs. The pain seared on and I closed my eyes. It doesn't matter anymore...

I could feel the snakes wrapping tighter and tighter as my arms and legs lost all blood circulation. I laughed a little in craze and opened my eyes once again to look at Orochimaru. Somehow, although he hasn't changed a bit, he looked so different...


The call rang through my head as I laughed even harder. How I admired him, how I loved him with my actual heart and mind, how I thought he was kami-sama... It's ridiculous.

Things like love don't exist with monsters like me.

"OROCHIMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"A yell broke through the deathly silence and I ripped open my eyes once again. The sudden light that returned to my vision was piercing, and shocking. Almost enough to make me forget the pain in my heart.

"Hidan!?" I shouted in surprise and confusion as he launched himself at Orochimaru, slashing through the snakes and breaking me free.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went. I just. What, why are you attacking Orochimaru?" I choked out, confused as Kakuzu walked up from behind as well, pulsing with hostility.

"Orochimaru attacked Itachi just this morning when they went out on the mission together. Zetsu got the information just now and we're here to eliminate him. You're lucky this time, able to stay alive like this. Pitiful. You're pathetic." Kakuzu spat and said to me as he walked by. I looked at the pair. They had just saved me from Orochimaru. From whom I was made from. From whom I am a part of.

"Are you okay?" White Zetsu said from beside me, popping up from under the ground and I looked at him.

"You're the best." I whispered into his ears as I snuggled him into a hug. I could feel him heating up although he is almost technically a plant.

"YORU!!! I WILL GET YOU!!!! ONE DAY!!!! YOU'LL RETURN!" Orochimaru hissed as he ducked all of Hidan's attacks and slid away into the forest. Hidan screamed some curses behind at Orochimaru and finally calmed down. Kakuzu looked like he was about to chase Orochimaru but Black Zetsu called him back and told him they would go find him later on.

"UHH, that stupid jerk. I've always hated him... the first time we ever met he was annoying. Getting me into all this." Hidan complained loudly and walked towards me. I swiped the remains of the snakes off my body and took in a deep breath. The world around me shimmered and flashed.

"Do we have any more missions today?" I asked Kakuzu and he shook his head, still not looking straight at me and I sighed in relief, rubbing my head. I looked at Hidan but he disappeared into a shadow.

"I might... have to rest for a moment," I muttered and closed my eyes. The world melted around me.

Survival (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now