Part 5 ∞∞∞ Uchiha Itachi

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I used my iron bar to deflect most of the shurikens but got a few scratches on my legs. I picked up a few shurikens as I ran, dodging all kinds of ninja tools. I watched in surprise as a boy of my age jumped in front of me and blocked my path. I halted and stared at the eyes behind the mask. 


"Uchiha?" I asked simply

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"Uchiha?" I asked simply. For some reason, the other masked people stopped their ninja tool attack and made a circle around the two of us.

The Uchiha boy didn't respond and instead launched himself at me. I widened my eyes in surprise and sidestepped him, barely dodging his kunai's range. He's good. I thought as I watched him whirl around to face me again.

"Who are you." The boy asked. Everyone seemed to want to ask me this question since I got to Konohagakure, but I suppose they have their own reasons.

"Yoru." I answered. Matching the boy's emotionless tone.

"Yoru what." The boy pressed. I glared at him, annoyed.

"Yoru nothing." I snapped back, already haven answered too many questions in one day.

The boy said nothing as he attacked again, his sharingans blaring. I tensed and sidestepped him again. He seemed irritated and turned around again.

"Can't you see what we're doing?" A masked shinobi said from the circle.

"No." I called back, pressing my anger and irritation down.

"You have to beat Itachi for any chance of survival." The man replied, still not giving a straight instruction or answer. I sighed and looked up at the sky. Why are people so complicated...

Itachi came at me again, without any hesitation. But... the name Itachi sounds oddly familiar... I just can't grasp where I heard it before...Uchiha.. Itachi... I thought as I poured chakra into my hands and ran straight, back at him. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see through my movements but I didn't have any. Just forwards, straight towards him.

His eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks but I was on him. I clasped my hands around his arm, which was protecting his chest, and pierced into his flesh with my chakra. He winced slightly as I let go of him, his arms hanging down, dripping blood.

I didn't plan on using so much force but the damage was done. I had probably broken the bone on his arm and pierced right through his chakra system. Maybe Kabuto's lessons were of some use.

I looked away from Itachi at the other masked people. They showed no signs of movement.

"Are you seriously going to let him die before letting me..." I started to say but felt a rush of air behind me. I turned but was too slow. A kunai plunged itself into my waist and I clenched my fists in pain. Itachi quickly retreated again, taking the kunai back out of my body. I collapsed onto the ground, panting in pain and watched the blood trickle down from the wound.

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