Part 46 ∞∞∞ Who am I?

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"Are you sure this'll work?" I asked Sasori (Yea, he ended up helping me).

"I've done enough of this to know how it works." He grunted back and activated the seal on the scroll. With a small "pop", the three bodies of Tayuya, Jirobo, and Kidomaru disappeared and a flaming red "尸" appeared in the middle of the script Sasori painted down. After making sure the scroll wasn't going to suddenly explode, I picked it up, rolling it into a cylinder, and tucked it on my waist, along with the 4 other empty scrolls.

"Now can we go...? Deidara's already finished with his job." Sasori growled and I nodded. I followed Sasori as he shuffled back towards the village. Of course, it was now in ruins. I looked up and squinted at the setting sun, trying to spot Deidara.

"Her—" Someone said as a hand fell onto my shoulders. I instinctively punched back and gave the person an extra kick. I reached for my sword and turned around. Deidara was dripping wet and unconscious in the middle of a pond.

"Oh," I whispered simply and Sasori let out a cold chuckle. "Well, at least now we don't have to listen to him complain on the way," I said to Sasori and he smirked.

"We need to go take our money from the man that gave us this job," Sasori said and I nodded. Reasonable.

"Where are we going to sleep for the night?" I asked and Sasori thought about it.

"We'll find a cave or something." He decided. Again, reasonable.

"How are we going to split the money?"

"We're giving it to Leader or Kakuzu. Goes into our "bank"." Sasori answered without hesitation. Despite how poor I am, reasonable.

"Who's going to carry Deidara?"






"SASORI!!!!! COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW AND CARRY DEIDARA!!!!!!" I roared at Sasori who was walking away like nothing's his business. He stopped and looked back. Then, he gave me a cold laugh and continued on his way.



"You mean to say you four failed to bring Yoru back? Especially with no one to help? And that Jirobi even considered betrayal???" Kabuto roared to Sakon, he was trying very hard to keep down his voice and trying very hard not to order Sakon to kill himself. He shouldn't be alive anyway. He should have died along with his crew. Kabuto had not expected three of the four to die... there is going to be explaining to do to Orochimaru-sama if he doesn't do anything...

"Where are their bodies? If I can recover them, there is a way to bring them back." Kabuto asked Sakon but he shook his head.

"Even Orochimaru-sama can't revive a body like that. You don't know what she did to them. She is so much stronger than before... no... maybe it's better to say she finally released her powers in front of us. Last time, I could tell she wasn't serious at all, she hid, she didn't even hurt us. But this time... she came to us." Sakon muttered. His way of speaking had changed from the shock and loss but Kabuto can still tell the indignation and anger underneath the cover.

"What if... I give you a second chance?" Kabuto asked with a smile and Sakon whipped his head up. His face was contorted into three different emotions.



And, Fear.

"Come here." Kabuto beckoned and Sakon bowed. Ukon's eyes traced Kabuto from above Sakon's head and Kabuto touched his glasses out of instinct. This is going to be good.

Survival (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now