Part 34 ∞∞∞ This is supposed to be a new start?

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"That's the new member? Looks weak." Was the first thing Kakuzu, the person I thought I wanted to fight with, said to me. It made me really want to fight with him.

"Hm, really? Cause I totally know how to rip you apart even though your body is made of skin and this disgusting metal thing and five hearts~" I said and Kakuzu narrowed his eyes. I used my byakugans to check him out the moment I arrived so, of course I know this much.

"Yoru, be nice," Orochimaru said with a devilish smirk and I rolled my eyes but shut up. Wait a moment...

"Why do I have to listen to you?" I asked and threw a kunai at his head which he hit aside with a snake.

"Because I'm your master," Orochimaru said in a matter of fact tone and I smiled. F*ck you too <3

"Really? Cause I don't see any way you can control me." I said, stretching on my smile. You stupid *ss b*tch.

"I know exactly how to make your body malfunction. Especially your eyes and your heart." Orochimaru responded and I narrowed my eyes, dropping my fake act. Control me? My eyes and heart? Sorry, but they're mine now and it's not out for rent.

"You won't be able to do anything to me. I said last time didn't I, you won't live the next time I lay my eyes on you. I just~ feel like this is right the time to fulfill that promise." I muttered and put my hands on my sword.

"This is not the time to quarrel, he's here." Kakuzu barked and I whirled around, glaring at him. His green eyes stared back into mine and I smirked, preparing to lash out at him as well.

"YEHAHAHAH!!!!" A shout came from the distance and I glanced towards the general direction to see a silver-haired dude carrying a large three spiked sword. So that's Hidan? I mused and turned away from Kakuzu. This man looked way more interesting than Kakuzu or Orochimaru right now. Hidan blasted towards us, no hesitation in his steps. He knows we're here to fight.

"Then let's beat the crap out of him," I muttered and drew my sword, flashing it closer to Orochimaru waist than needed. Kakuzu grunted from next to me and stepped forwards, clearly volunteering himself to be the first sacrifice (if Hidan is strong enough).


"HHAAHAHAHAH!!!" Hidan roared with laughter, spinning around the clearing, having the fun of his life while trying to kill Kakuzu. I have to admit, I got jealous of Kakuzu and tried to rip his head off at one point in the fight. But the fact that his head is still on his neck proved I contained myself enough.

"Fire Style: Searing Migraine!" Kakuzu grunted and I wondered what kind of weird jutsu name that is. However, in my opinion, no one can beat fatso's jutsu name. It's just too long and too weird. Earth Release Barrier: Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness. Like who would EVER name their jutsu that knowingly?

"Wind Style: Great Breach!" Orochimaru croaked and let out a great gust of wind. I lifted my eyes brows, seriously seeing Orochimaru in battle for the first time. I don't want to help him but I guess I added a little forced and wind blades into Orochimaru's Wind Style. The fire and the wind mixed, roaring towards Hidan and I smiled at the shocked and surprised expression on Hidan's face just as he was swallowed by the flames. There was a moment of silence before a shadow leaped out of the flames.

"HAHAH!" Hidan's yell echoed through the clearing as he jumped towards me through the thick shade of smoke. He swung his sword towards my head but I didn't duck his attack and let my shoulder bleed with blood, the deadly blade centimeters from my brains. But that created my chance. I reached out my hand and grabbed Hidan's wrists with my bleeding right arm and holding my sword in my right hand, I slashed towards him, etching a deep wound through the lengths of his waist. The blood sprayed out onto my clothes and I smirked as I sniffed in the delicious smell of blood. Hidan leaped away onto a tree quickly, holding his stomach, and howled in pain.

Survival (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now