Special: Neji and thoughts

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Neji had simply stared at the girl talking trash about the Hyuga clan that day and felt something inside him roll to action. He felt that something inside him finally became active. A will. A desire in life. A purpose.

It was ridiculous.

To have such a shameful and heretical woman take control of his thoughts...

But before he could stop himself and what she was doing to him, he had fallen into the rabbit hole. An eternally deep hole that he'll never crawl out of again.

"What? You got a problem with that?" Neji said defensively and the girl seemed to think about it for a moment before answering

"Sort of, yea," She said and she watched him, amused, as he clenched his fists.

"Are you one of those older kids in the academy? Who thinks their strong because everyone likes them. Cause I bet no one likes you." Neji said but the girl only laughed.

"People like me? No way. Also, I'm not interested in your child's play in the Academy unless its related to Uzumaki Naruto." The girl answered, making sure the message was clear as she kneeled down beside the corpse again.

This was the first time Neji had seen a scene like this. Somehow, he had managed to remain calm and alive.

"Well, also Uchiha Sasuke I suppose," The girl suddenly added after a moment and nodded at him again. He was still standing there looking at her with the most neutral face he could master.

Uchiha Sasuke.

What was so important about the Uchiha clan? This wasn't the first time the name had appeared inside Neji's life. The genius clan. The clan with the special dojutsu. The clan that protected Konoha. Why was the Hyuga clan any different? Why couldn't the Hyuga clan be as important?

Neji didn't understand the emotion that coursed through him back then. Was it an attempt to protect the honour of his family name? But he didn't care that much about the clan, the main family.

He was branch family after all. Looked down upon and forced to submission.

He touched his forehead again, ever conscious of the green mark etched onto it. The pain that had...

He couldn't think about it.

Not anymore.

It was his destiny.

It was...

But why?

Why can't he feel the weigh of that mark on his shoulders anymore? He deep boulder in his heard and mind that had tortured him since the death of his father was gone. No... it wasn't precisely gone.

It just didn't matter anymore.

It wasn't his purpose anymore.

"Neji-kun~ What are you doing, gazing off like that?" Tenten chided from behind him as she let a pile of shinobi tools fly at the target for the nth time this day. She was tired. Everyone was tired.

"THIS IS YOUTH!!!! GUY-SENSEI!!!! WATCH ME!!!!!!!!!!! 1000 PUSH UPS DONE!!!!" Lee roared from somewhere in the forest as he and Guy-sensei screamed on. For some reason, the two are always so alike.

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